code switching delay


hello when i change patches on my code 50 , despite using the same pre amp and power amp im getting a delay on the patch change, approx 2 seconds untill the selected patch actually kicks in. is this down to the DSP chip recalling the set ups? also has anyone tried playing this code with cab sim off.  sounds quite good like my old TSL combo.  not bad at all .

asked 02 Mar 2019 at 08:49 AM

stephen haynes
Answers: 1


I use PEDL-91009 and presets are switched immediately. 

I don't use cab sim, as I have replaced original speaker with typical, good quality guitar speaker with 45-5000 Hz frequency range, so I don't need to emulate any cabinet.

answered 02 Mar 2019 at 11:00 AM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (261)
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