Running a pedal with the CODE 50


OK so I recently purchased a Digitech DROP pedal so I can drop tune without having to switch guitars while playing in rehearsal. I knew there wasn't a lot of info on pedals with the CODE so I bit the bullet and bought the pedal. It seems to work just fine drop tuning, and the octave feature sounds great. But I notice a bit of double-tracking on the G string or when you try to do bends- in other words, I am hearing the true note int eh background along with the drop tuned note. It tends to be distracting a bit, but it's liveable. I have the guitar going directly into the pedal and then a short cable from the pedal out into the line in on the amp. I don't know if this is a pedal issue or the fact I am using an edited bank with presets and processing the signal PRE input as opposed to an effects loop. I know I could probably try a dry signal preset and eliminate it, but I have no fuzz pedal to use in conjunction with it...O'm hoping I don't need to buy a dedicated pedalboard AGAIN and feed the pedals through to a dry amp preset in order to elimiante issues...especially if I have to play live. That's kind of why I went to the CODE 50 to begin with. Anyone have any input on this topic? It seems a bit lacking in teh community...



Never mind- found out it was on my end. Mods can delete this post.

edited 14 Jul 2024 at 03:08 PM

Richard Stackon

asked 24 Jun 2024 at 11:36 PM

Richard Stackon
Answers: 0
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