Code 25 stops sounding!



I have a Code25 and during playback, it just stops sounding.

This happens several times... the connections are good, the proof is that the tuning works perfectly, the signal is going, but there is no sound...

I have to turn it off/on and it sounds again... but after 5-10 minutes, it happens again...

I tried updating the firmware, I tried resetting to factory settings, I tried resetting the presets... it works for a while, then it happens again...

I think it's not hardware, but software... is there any update or firmware to fix this??

Please help me!

asked 30 Aug 2024 at 09:39 PM

Estevan Cioato
You are not the first from Brazil to whom this happens. I think you have electrical voltage drops. - Ignacio González 04 Sep 2024 at 06:58 PM
Answers: 1


o mesmo problema no meu code 25

vou tentar um novo transformador


answered 16 Dec 2024 at 01:33 AM

Luciano Gerolamo Gomes (1)
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