Marshall Code 50 muffled sound


I had this Marshall code 50 with muffled sound. Even of i turned to max volume the sound is too low or weak.

its a hit or miss opportunity to make it work, sometimes the amp is working good then after minutes of playing the sound turns awful. 

it happened after i updated to latest firmware, im suspecting its a bluetooth board error or a bad firmware update.  Tried reseting, reupdating to no avail.

Does anyone tried to remove the bluetooth board? 

asked 03 Sep 2024 at 12:45 PM

Mark Cruz
It sounds like your Marshall Code 50 might be experiencing issues with the firmware update or the Bluetooth board, given the inconsistent sound quality. If you’ve already tried resetting and re-updating the firmware without success, removing the Bluetooth board could be a possible solution, as it might be causing interference. I bought one from and it is working fine. Before proceeding, make sure to consult the user manual or seek advice from a professional technician to avoid voiding any warranties or causing further damage. - jams allen 06 Sep 2024 at 06:07 AM
Answers: 1


the same issue, its a constrution problem, from the factory, and the factory needs to resolv it


answered 16 Dec 2024 at 01:32 AM

Luciano Gerolamo Gomes (1)
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