


Bluetooth connection is not very good in my opinion.

Bleutooth signal code 25 is ok, samsung s8 detects it alright.

But when i use the gateway android app it doesn't connect altough it shows in app as detected.

Is there a patch upcomming for the amp code series?



asked 09 Feb 2018 at 05:04 AM

JB Hak (1)
On second though, actually, maybe I have jumped the gun a bit. Couldn't hurt to try it but might not help. - michael Mendelson 04 Mar 2018 at 01:46 AM
Answers: 2


Detected is not the same as connected. You still have to tell Gateway to connect to the amp if it is the first time you have tried to set up the Bluetooth connectivity. See my response to Stephen Palmer regarding Bluetooth as he posted a similar comment. Maybe that response will give you the clues you need.


answered 09 Feb 2018 at 06:17 AM

Dave Duncan (57)


Ok let's try that also.

But i did press the amps detected bar,  with the bluetooth sign and the code parameters.

Then the app tells me it's connecting or searching but it actually doesn't connect.

Thank's for response.

answered 09 Feb 2018 at 07:27 AM

JB Hak (1)
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