Code 50 Master Volume


I just bought my code 50 yesterday. The master volume is a real problem, I may have to return it just because of that. We can adjust the volume, but the second you change a preset it goes way too loud again. Even if I were to modify each of the 100 presets manually (which I am not in the mood to do), when the next firmware update happens those presets will be overwritten with the factory reset so back to square one.

Marshall, can you please give us a timeline for this? I have 30 days to return this thing to the store, I need an answer because I do not plan on living with this issue forever, maybe I will swap if for a Fender or Line6 or something with quicker response time from the manufacturer if need be...  quite frustrated and only used the product for 30 minutes. 

asked 20 Feb 2018 at 06:19 PM

nobody here (1)
Returned it and got my money back. - nobody here 09 Mar 2018 at 05:47 PM
Answers: 13


It appears to me that those that are complaining about this should probably move out of the modelling / digital amp market and stick with the basics.

As noted in other posts, this is an aspect common to other amps of this nature, including VOX and Fender. If you read through the manuals you will note that the MASTER VOLUME is not part of any preset or saved setting. The majority of pedals that are used with a basic amp have the volume/output levels controlled by the pedal, not the amp master. Same with digital.

Get over it.

answered 22 Feb 2018 at 06:26 PM

Dave Duncan (57)
The fact of the matter is that they (Marshall) have said it is a problem they are aware of and R&D are working on a solution. Blindly telling people "that is just how all modelling amps are so go to some other simpler amp" is a bit of a cop out. I understand that you (specifically you) have answered this on a few occasions so you may be ticked off at hearing it, but it is a legitimate complaint so let us (users) tell Marshall how we feel about it (the more complaints they get for a specific problem, the higher the priority set on that problem). I am an electronic engineer / software developer working for a company that does image capture and analysis. To cut costs, many newer products use lesser quality components with less features and as a result the end product is often not up to par with what we had 10 years ago. If many of these amps have this problem, then perhaps these companies are all using the same components and chips. This is a lower end amplifier and in order to make it affordable they have obviously had to cut corners here and there. That said, a MASTER VOLUME should control the output loudness of the amplifier in the most linear of increments as possible. I can keep my distortion pedal at 10 for the level, the master on my "real" amp will of course get louder faster, but I still have enough control to be able to set it to a lower volume. The CODE goes from off to too loud in 1 fractional position. So 0 = no sound, 0.2 = no sound, 0.9 = no sound, ... 1.4 = suddenly its louder than my 200 watt Lab Series is at the same setting.

From the perspective of someone new to Marshall, buying their first Marshall amp, being told "get over it" and "stop complaining"... not the most welcoming of introductions. That and no word or reply from Team Marshall.

On a more positive note, the newest firmware at least addresses the noisy sounds with the clean presets.
- nobody here 23 Feb 2018 at 12:05 AM


I had this same discussion with a buddy who just bought a Code50. He complained of the same thing. But it makes sense that when you hit a preset for a boosted lead, for example, you want that increased volume. But other presets might have less volume. These are all controlled individually through the preset. If you need more volume than a preset is set for, you can change the preset and resave it. It seems like the custom volume is a feature, not a miss. Am I missing something?

answered 22 Feb 2018 at 07:40 PM

wayne schwisow (15)
You're missing the fact that with my code 15, that is a practice amp, I need to tune my preset volume between 1 and 2 to get a volume manageable in my living room. And even with such low volume setting the master stay an on off switch, I still only use the master between 0.9 and 1.2.

For the code 50 it's maybe less problematic, but for a code 15 it's too tricky to use it for what it has been designed: practice. Even, if simulation are interesting, at least this part of the job was well done.

An other point some simulation amp have a usable master like the Yamaha thr série, or the Fender mustang GT... Marshall did a crapy job that's all.

And if the master is not part of the firmware, they deal with it by adjusting the simulation themselves... They HD about 30 months to work on that. If I well remember, designing, building and maintaining guitar are not a hobby for Marshall crew.

For example my hot rod deluxe, which is a 40W valve amp, is less tricky to set up...
- Michael H 22 Feb 2018 at 11:31 PM
"It seems like the custom volume is a feature, not a miss. Am I missing something?"

Nobody is complaining about the preset volume. You need to have the volume setting there. The problem is with the master's sensitivity.
Let's put it in a different perspective. Imagine your television, commercials are louder than your shows.. you have a volume on your remote (equivalent to the master volume). Commercials are still louder than your show, but you can lower the master volume. Now imagine you lower the volume and it turns off... now you can't hear anything, one click up and it's loud enough to wake up your neighborhood. That is what the CODE does. Now imagine its not the volume but the brightness of the screen. On setting 1 the screen is black, on setting 2 the screen is so bright you need sunscreen. You complain on the TV forum and someone tells you "just wear sunglasses when watching TV - what's your problem?" I think this is the exact same thing that is happening here, telling people to use a volume pedal. These amps are not meant as gigging amps where a volume pedal might be the norm, this is a bedroom practice amp.
- nobody here 23 Feb 2018 at 12:29 AM
So here we go...
Marshall CODE is not a lower end amp in my opinion, if you mean cheap. It is an offering that has allowed Marshall to compete against Line 6, Fender, VOX, Blackstar and similar digital modelling amps. I, for one, could not justify the cost of a normal Marshall product just to play in my basement. Maybe when I was gigging but that was a long time ago. Mortgages and car payments were priority at that time. In Canada, all these amps are coming in at the same relative price point so function and capabilities are the factors, not cost. I'm not going to continue with the non-digital / transistor-based comparisons as they are irrelevant, or equate any of this to a television. What I will offer is that the easiest method to combat any control sensitivity is to change the method of operation. For most of the PRESET settings I use I run my CODE 25 with the MASTER between 9 and 10 o'clock, and my PRESET volume around the same, depending on the preset and the gain. This gives me enough room to adjust to most situations... practice, session, garage band and so on. Final volume is controlled by the guitar. This method has served me well for many years although it may considered 'old school'.
It's also important to remember that if you use a device to control the CODE, the best library to use is the blue library on the device, not the gold library from the amp. Make sure any saved settings are stored on the device in order to ensure you can use similar settings on another CODE if you desire.
Having said all this, the best solution Marshall can provide, again in my opinion, is a hardware redesign similar to what VOX currently does with their Valvetronix series... use a POWER LEVEL control. I have no opinion as to whether this is best used with or without a MASTER. All I can say is that the VOX solution works very well and could be the answer. The down side is that this does not aid any current CODE owner. Perhaps a software or firmware redesign is warranted... I am not arguing that point, either with other users or with Marshall.
As a final point, sometime ago I posed a challenge to any user who happened to be an engineer, or one with similar technical abilities, outside of Marshall R&D to see if a remedy or modification could be offer to Marshall. Maybe this is an opportunity to offer some help...
- Dave Duncan 23 Feb 2018 at 03:13 AM
"Now imagine you lower the volume and it turns off... now you can't hear anything, one click up and it's loud enough to wake up your neighborhood. That is what the CODE does. Now imagine its not the volume but the brightness of the screen. On setting 1 the screen is black, on setting 2 the screen is so bright you need sunscreen. You complain on the TV forum and someone tells you "just wear sunglasses when watching TV "
I absolutely love this response! Thanks for the laugh!🤣🤣😎😎
- Brent Keller 14 Jul 2019 at 03:32 AM



Thank you all for your comments and we are sorry you seem to having a problem with the Master Volume. The Master Volume is a separate component to the preset board, therefore cannot be updated by a Firmware update, we would suggest lowering the preset volume to get the best sound from the amp, also check gain volumes as on some presets this will be naturally louder depending which preamp and power amps are selected on each preset.

Marshall Support

answered 23 Feb 2018 at 09:29 AM



Here is my take on this issue, as it seems it is becoming a common complaint.

1. Use a Volume Control pedal. There are many on the market and while it is not the ideal solution, it does offer the user some external control. When using my Line 6 POD xt Live, the volume control pedal offers me total control of the output.

2. This is not unique to Marshall. I have a couple of VOX amps that behave the same way, and I am not familiar with other similar amplifiers available on the market. The MASTER VOLUME is the one control that is not part of the PRESET, or so I believe. At this time it is an unfortunate behavior. And even with the POWER LEVEL control in the VOX series, there is still a volume change when changing presets.

3. Don't save any changes you make to a PRESET to the amp. This applies only to when a device is used to control the amp. When you select SAVE on the device you have a choice as to where the edit is saved... AMP, LIBRARY or both. If you only save to the LIBRARY any update to the firmware only affects the amp presets, not the device. In theory, you should be able to adjust all settings using the device and not worry about what happens at the amp, or to its set of PRESETS.

Hope this helps. Cheers!

answered 20 Feb 2018 at 07:15 PM

Dave Duncan (57)
Thanks for the feedback Dave. I do have a volume pedal (well, a Zoom pedal with a volume mode), although this is more of a bandaid to a bad design more than anything else. The amp is completely digital, there is no real excuse for bad FPGA programming. I bought this amp in part to avoid having a mess in front of my amp with 4-5 pedals and cables and power supplies getting tied up and tripping me. Defeats the purpose of the amp if I need to use the volume pedal, but yeah... doesn't sound like Marshall will be addressing the issue any time soon. I will try the preset idea, see if indeed they are not effected. I haven't played with it enough to completely give up on it but first impressions being what they are left a sour taste in my mouth. - nobody here 21 Feb 2018 at 02:52 AM
It's the same for any modeling amp/multi effect pedal. The trick to them is getting all your presets the same volume through the preset volume knob, then no matter where the master is they are the same. A while back I bought an inexpensive audio meter and more recently downloaded a free app on my phone for that. I keep strumming the same cord and change presets and adjust the channel/preset volume knob until it is right around the same decibel then save. - Dennis Bowen 21 Feb 2018 at 03:58 PM
Hi Dennis.

I like your idea. Which app. did you decide to download and use on your phone??? I purchased Decibel X Pro for iPad. Seems to do the job. Apparently things can get a bit dodgy with certain mobile phone mics. as they have an auto gain (apparently an iPad does not have this issue???)???


- Dale Paterson 21 Mar 2018 at 07:23 PM


It's still ridiculous that Marshall, didn't provide a decent update to solve this issue. It was reported in Oct 2016...

answered 21 Feb 2018 at 05:39 PM

Michael H (11)
They could have simply said there is no fix, whatever chip they are using for that part of the design is a black box which they don't have control over. At least the issue would then be closed. Having constant complaints with just "we're looking into it" is not really good for moral. I work in support, even giving a customer bad news is a lot better taken when you don't make them wait forever wondering, and instead explain why a limitation exists in the first place. - nobody here 21 Feb 2018 at 06:24 PM


After listening to all the whining and complaining that their Marshall goes from 0 to 60 in under 2 seconds flat, well, may I remind you that is what a Marshall is all about! Brute force! The mightiest amp on the planet! What did you expect? Lay it down, or turn it away from your face, like I had to do with my stack when "engineers" couldn't handle it. If you dont want it to hurt you in your living room then go buy a little girl's amp, and turn it down as much as you like. Not everyone can handle a Marshall but that's why they invented weaker amps. If you can't handle it stay out of the big boy's pool Dont cry to the Marshall techs to weaken the power they have given you. i also challenge any of these T.V. nerds that call themselves techs to build their own amplifier and see what they can come up with.  Sorry if this seems harsh, but Christ almighty, get up off the floor! This grand generation of entitled whiners and complainers don't deserve a Marshall.  Just sayin..

answered 27 Feb 2018 at 02:15 AM

ssolo 8 (3)
It always amazes me how brand loyalty can bring out the worse is some people, especially the feeble minded with short attention spans. For clarity, I love the sound (after a firmware update and preset tweaking) and look of this amp (albeit the tolex looks skin thin). I don't understand how you can be so complacent of a poor design, maybe it is something you got used to in America but the rest of the world has standards.

This thread was clearly addressed to Team Marshall concerning a known bug that they themselves said was being looked into.
There was some useful feedback for possible workarounds, but I wasn't looking for a workaround I was curious if a fix was coming.
Team Marshall finally replied that no fix was possible (reading between the lines) and that a workaround was needed.

Thread closed.

"Ugh... me like big noise... ugh... you bad you not like big noise... go home..." - Grow up buddy, there is absolutely no use to your reply.
- nobody here 27 Feb 2018 at 02:15 PM
I agree with you...

I played my thr10c yesterday, and compared to my code 25. The 0.9-1.1 on/off range on my code 25 is equivalent to a 0-4 range on thr10c guitar output pot (with gain and master on 10)... Yamaha is smart enough to add an extra pot because master and gain pots both interact with their dsp models... I guess volume setting on code amp does the same but we can't even try it... And guess what, on 10 both amps are loud as well.

So it seems that having a master that works doesn't affect how loud your amp is. It just help you to use it comfortably at practice volume.

I hate the crap approach, if you want a Marshall, you want it loud. Come on wake up we are not in 50s anymore, you can design amp usable at bedroom level too.

I don't understand how 95% job has been done properly: the simulation themselves, and global results was compromised with that crapy master.

I think I will search for a new way to amplify my guitars and get Marshall type sounds , but with other brand systems...
- Michael H 27 Feb 2018 at 05:57 PM



So many threads on this topic (to which I've attempted to contribute) although this one being the more entertaining of them in some parts!!!  LOL!!!

Anyway: I'm curious.  For those of you who are attempting to work around this issue using a volume pedal: I don't understand.  I've tested this.  Using a volume pedal between guitar and amp. (or using the guitars volume pot.) mucks about with your gain / drive does it not???  Seems to be so to me anyway (tried it on CODE 25 and CODE 50).  One thing noted on the other threads though: lowering the preset volume does not appear to affect your gain / drive or tone of the preset (as does the aforementiond workaround).  Am I missing something here???




answered 21 Mar 2018 at 07:19 PM

Dale Paterson (105)


Unbelievable... why can't this be fixed with a simple firmware fix that changes the Master Volume input / output ratio??

answered 08 Jul 2018 at 06:14 PM

Sebastian Bayer
Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for your comment, as above in the comments, The Master Volume is a separate component to the preset board, therefore cannot be updated by a Firmware update.

Marshall Support
- Lee Tomlin 09 Jul 2018 at 07:47 AM
This is not a design flaw. It's a design choice. Marshall has not acknowledged that there's a problem. only acknowledged a few complaints. Unbelievable is people buying Marshall and complaining that they cant run it at .00001 percent!??! I have a perfect fix for all of you that can't turn down a this Marshall (??) enough; Run from the headphone line out into a JBL flip or other little computer speaker system ant Voila, instant miniscule sound! At these almost nonexistent volumes you don't need any tone from the amp speaker anyway, and this little beast wont hurt you anymore! - ssolo 8 09 Jul 2018 at 05:31 PM


Its unbeleivable how many people want to whine and cry over every little issue which this is not. Its common on every modeling amp and even on very expensive modeling floor boards that every preset has a different volume range. To cry about having to adjust the preset volume every time and store it is very minute to me. Its called flexibility and if you store it on the gateway blue setting it will remain until you change it. I have not found any other amp on the market that gives me shimmering clean tones to monsterous metal tones all at very low bedroom volumes. My roommates dont even know when im playing even in the middle of the night. I dont find this to be a bug issue or anything a firmware update will correct. Its a user issue if anything and for the price $250 U.S. its hard to find anything to compete with this amp and its flexibilty.

answered 22 Jul 2018 at 12:56 AM

steve strano (1)


Glad it's not just me! The master volume is basically digital - on/off. Don't start telling me to adjust the preset volume - first thing I tried - but even with preset volumes down in the "teeny tiny" range, turn the master past the second tick (its not smooth  there seems to be something digital going on) and it's deafening. That's deafening in a rehearsal room, with a live drummer ...  That's not "Marshalls are loud", that's "this design has a huge usability flaw". I've only had this amp for a few weeks, but I'm already thinking about getting rid and getting something more controllable. And, sadly, despite being a Marshall fan for many years  it ain't going to be a Marshall. There's been enough talk about this - but nothing from Marshall. If it needs a pot change or a board change, then let's do it, Marshall. This is starting to sound like "it's crap and we know it - but we've got your money now, so eff off". I really am singularly unimpressed - this is a fabulous amp, let down by one huge "ooops" in the quality control department. 

answered 09 Oct 2018 at 04:43 PM

Milo Black


STILL NO FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????? I have to return this piece of loud sh!t

answered 04 Nov 2018 at 04:45 AM

Cody Berger
That's because there's nothing to fix!! Why do you want to run a Marshall at almost non-existant volumes where the acoustic sound of your guitar drowns out the amp anyway. By all means get your money back, then go to a toy store get a little girls amp and maybe that won't terrify you all so much. Get over yourselves, quit blaming your gear, and start playing some music! The Code is fine. - ssolo 8 04 Nov 2018 at 10:07 AM

Good job you didn't buy a CODE100 or CODE100H with a 4x12 cab. then!!! LOL!!!

In spite of any input from myself on this topic that may appear to be contradictory: I agree with the above (ssolo 8) (although I'd stop short of saying to go to the toy store i.e. if it's SUCH an issue get one of those Marshall Micro Amps. for practice). Yes: it would be great if the operation of the Master Volume control (on the entire range I might add) was indeed linear but the fact that it's not is certainly no deal breaker (and it becomes pretty linear when the amp. is actually "turned on" i.e. after you can actually HEAR the output the Master Volume is indeed linear from a certain point!!! LOL!!!). I run my amps. at (extremely) low volumes late at night to practice by using the PC Editor and controlling the preset volume via the PC Editor (it's much easier to use and allows for more precise control than the physical controls on the amps. so maybe this is an option for those having an issue). And one thing that's never been noted here: there's little to no point in having a CODE50 (even a CODE25 and needless to say a CODE100/CODE100H) and running it at low volumes and editing presets etc.. Presets created at low volumes are a shadow of their former selves at full tilt (even at a quarter volume their tone given the exact same parameters can differ greatly). I've created presets at low volumes that sounded fantastic at low volumes but totally sucked when the amps. were cranked especially when using distortion, cranked prescence, cranked resonance, and with long delays and reverbs (I actually have two different presets for each tone that use the same parameters mostly but those for practice have more distortion, presence, resonance, and longer delays and reverb than those for recording (micd. up of course) or for performance i.e. if the practice presets are cranked up without notching those parameters back the tone can be earsplitting and unbearable not to mention pure mush in some cases). Point is really (in my humble opinion of course): these are AMPLIFIERS and were designed to sound best at mid, to "take the roof off" volumes and only once the speakers are "pumping air" do you get the real deal monstrous sound that they're capable of (certainly as good as any valve offering from Marshall IF you know what you're doing and are prepared to spend the time needed to get real familiar with them) (and believe me it does take time but it's worth it in the end).


- Dale Paterson 04 Nov 2018 at 03:55 PM


I don't have one of these yet but looking to buy one... couldn't you just plug the headphone jack in to a smaller speaker?

or use headphones?


answered 02 Dec 2018 at 03:31 AM

Omer Khalil
Omer, you are a genius! Early morning when everyone is asleep I run from my headphone jack into a little JBL Flip, sounds great at minuscule volumes. Bythe same token, I also run that same output into the effects return of my 120 watt head, and guess what? Now I have a 120 watt Code!! This amp is awesome! But just as Dale mentioned, you have to work it. - ssolo 8 02 Dec 2018 at 09:48 AM


Did anyone try to add serial 10R, 50 or 100 watt resistor near the speaker to reduce power of speaker. It could be usefull. But this method will weaken de maximum volume. İf any body try this and works fine. I will buy this amp.


I have made some research. My idea is not a good idea because of Rms voltage. The speaker will not respond homogenously to all frequency.

edited 24 Feb 2019 at 12:52 PM

Caner Orkun

answered 24 Feb 2019 at 12:30 PM

Caner Orkun
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