Code 50 chorus not working – tips?


the chorus on my Code 50 is not working. I’ve had the amp about half a year, but not really used the chorus until recently. 

If I turn the chorus on, the sound changes a little bit, but it’s not a chorus sound – although the speed option has an effect. 

If I switch between CLS and VIB a few times, sometimes the chorus will suddenly kick in, and sound good, but if I turn it off or change presets, the chorus reverts back to its barely-there sound. 

Has as anyone else suffered from this? Any tips? Thanks. 

asked 26 Apr 2018 at 12:20 PM

David Connell
Hello, I'm having the same problem on the code 100H head. I will try the factory reset tonight, as well, and report back. - Eric Nessler 10 Sep 2018 at 03:22 PM
Apologies for not following up on this. I did not do a factory reset, because I didn't want to lose my presets. However, the chorus works now, on one preset —  I use very few presets, one has chorus. This one preset is based on a Plexi amp, and has a very clean tone. I have not tried the other factory presets in a long time, nor do I remember the details of the problem — whether it was a factory preset or one of my own, other settings etc. - David Connell 11 Sep 2018 at 08:46 AM
I did the factory reset last night, it didn’t solve the problem. On mine, when you turn on the chorus effect, all that happens is a slight tremolo effect. To reliably activate the chorus, you must scroll to one of the others, like tremolo, then roll back to chorus, then it works. Seems like a software glitch. - Eric Nessler 11 Sep 2018 at 11:03 AM
Answers: 1


Hi David,

Thank you for your message, we have not come across this, have you tried a factory reset, you can do this by holding down the amp button while turning on the Code, please be aware this will reset all your presets by doing so.

Marshall Support

answered 01 May 2018 at 10:17 AM

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