Marshall Gateway app not connecting



I recently purchased a Code 50 and have been trying to connect it to the gateway app on my Android phone. The phone connects to the amp successfully via bluetooth and I can stream the audio out to the amp directly using Spotify but when I go into the gateway app, it says "Not Connected". I tried the "Scan for Amps" button but it doesn't find anything. Any help is appreciated.

asked 02 Jul 2018 at 03:03 AM

Himanshu Chaturvedi (2)
Try deleting old connected devices unused to your bluetooth list, that works pretty well for me - Jacques Duval 12 Oct 2019 at 05:25 PM
Answers: 5


had exactly the same issue, delete all data and cache from  the application and update the app from the playstore. This fixed mine. Cheers

answered 06 Jul 2018 at 06:45 AM

m n (12)
That worked! Thanks. - Himanshu Chaturvedi 08 Jul 2018 at 11:47 PM
I have exactly the same problem, but Your solution doesn't work for me. I think I have already tried everything. Can anybody help me? - Vojtěch Čapek 03 Mar 2019 at 08:47 PM
Try deleting old connected devices unused to your bluetooth list, that works pretty well for me -

I used another phone, installing marshall gateway and that worked. So i tried that solution.
- Jacques Duval 12 Oct 2019 at 05:27 PM


Hi Himanshu,

Thank you for your message, sorry you seem to be having issues with Bluetooth, please try the link below to see if this helps

Marshall Support

answered 02 Jul 2018 at 08:05 AM

I already did. I am able to complete steps 1-7, but when I get to step 8, the app does not detect my amp. - Himanshu Chaturvedi 02 Jul 2018 at 08:23 AM


The same problem. Phone and Amp is paired but then when I use app,  it doesn't see Amp.  I have still green button, not red. Any  suggestion? 

answered 15 Jan 2019 at 05:05 PM

Janusz Kojtek
Reset phone Bluetooth setting - Devansh Desai 15 Jan 2019 at 05:06 PM
Nothing has changed :( - Janusz Kojtek 15 Jan 2019 at 05:25 PM
i have the same problem..... - gorrichon loic 16 Apr 2019 at 06:23 PM


Try this out next:

When you finish a session with CODE you can just turn off the amp and close the Gateway app. Re-connecting for a new session should happen automatically.

Turn CODE on.
CODE will attempt to connect to the device it was last paired with. This is an automatic process and does not require Gateway to be running. It does require that your device has Bluetooth turned on, of course.
If CODE finds the last paired device and manages to establish a connection the Bluetooth light will turn a solid blue. You can now move on to reconnection with Gateway.

If the blue light does not come on, then check out the trouble-shooting section below
Start the Gateway app.
If you have auto-connect enabled, then Gateway will immediately start scanning for your CODE amp. Gateway can remember multiple CODE amps. If the scan finds a single known amp, then Gateway will try to connect. If it finds multiple known amps, they will be displayed in a list for you to select from.

If no amps are found, try the trouble-shooting section below.
If you do not have auto-connect enabled, then you must start the scanning process by opening the connection tab or tapping the CONNECT button. Gateway will scan for CODE amps and show a list of any it finds. You can then tap on an entry to connect.

If no amps are found, try the trouble-shooting section below.
It sometimes kind of tiring. This process has been given a very full description but in practice it is usually extremely straightforward with auto-connect work. You turn on your CODE and start Gateway and wait for the blue light on CODE and the connection icon on Gateway. 
When you re-connect to CODE you will usually see a flashing spinner icon next to the Mode icon. This means that your Gateway app is syncing with your CODE unit. It is best to wait a few seconds and let this process complete before starting to use the app to ensure you work with the latest versions of presets.

edited 03 Dec 2019 at 08:52 AM

answered 02 Dec 2019 at 06:31 PM

Samuel Jedo


I'm having the same issue. Anyone find out how to fix it?

answered 18 Oct 2021 at 06:48 AM

Deepak S
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