CODE 100 isn’t have a line out ????


The CODE 100 isn’t have a line out ????

I see just Send/Return, the out 8Ω and the F/C I believe only to footswitch..

asked 18 Sep 2018 at 10:28 AM

Thiago Guilherme
I need to use the CODE 100 in line.. What can I do? - Thiago Guilherme 18 Sep 2018 at 10:35 AM
Answers: 3


Hi Thiago,

You are correct there is no line out from the Code 100, please check the link below for more info on the Code range

Marshall Support

answered 19 Sep 2018 at 07:52 AM




The CODE100 / CODE100H DO have a line out.  It's the headphone jack that can be used as a line out.  But do note that a) it silences the output to the cabs. and b) it disables the effects loop.

This from the manual for the CODE100 range:


Now exactly what you mean by "I need to use the CODE 100 in line.. " I do not know.  If you're meaning that you need to be able to play live AND take a line out from the amp. to a mixer (for example) at the same time then the answer is "NO" you cannot do that.




edited 25 Sep 2018 at 11:06 AM

Dale Paterson (105)

answered 20 Sep 2018 at 08:22 AM

Dale Paterson (105)
Thanks for your help Dale,
Yes, I need to be able to play live AND take a line out from the amp. to a mixer . I believe that I will need buy a box or put a microfone 🎤 in front do the CODE. I believe that Will be the matter way..
- Thiago Guilherme 25 Sep 2018 at 09:21 AM



No problem.  It's a pleasure.

For what it's worth (and I know it's not the answer you were initially looking for): the sound that comes out of the amps. direct (whether it be via USB or line out) is a very "dry" sound and it's pretty much unusable (in my opinion) without a bunch of effects.  The best sound comes from the speaker cabinet.  So I ONLY mic. my amps. up (whether it be for recording for for live performance through a mixer to a PA system) and the sound is superb.  One little trick that I use (with the PA) is to put the amps. out of sight and behind the PA with the amps. facing backwards (and micd. up of course).  This eliminates possible feedback and allows you to blend the sound / balance on the mixer.



answered 25 Sep 2018 at 11:11 AM

Dale Paterson (105)
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