Using an 8ohm speaker in a Marshall DSL40c


Hi, everyone! Just a quick question. I have a Marshall DSL40c with a Celestion 70/80 factory installed speaker, rated at 16ohms. It's a little harsh sounding for me, so I wanted to switch to a Celestion Creamback, which I ordered through my local distributor, but instead of a 16ohm speaker, they brought an 8ohm speaker. My amp has 2x8ohm plugs and a 1x16ohm. What would happen if I installed the 8ohm speaker and used one of the 8 ohm outputs? Would this damage the amp? Would affect the tone (I'm looking for something more classic hard rock, which I understand is the Creamback's specialty)? Thanks for your help!

asked 08 Aug 2016 at 03:46 PM

Andres Gomez
Answers: 2


Dear Andres

Thank you for your query, to best help answer this please email Jo Green in our Service Department who will be able to support you on this. Her email is

answered 08 Aug 2016 at 03:50 PM



Hello Andres,

The DSL40C can run 1x 8ohm speaker but you cannot fit an extension speaker cabinet as this will take the impedence level below 8 ohms, the new speaker should have a power handling not less than 50 watts.

As you are replacing the orginal speaker the tone will be different, but it  not possible to say exactly what the difference in tone will be.

answered 09 Aug 2016 at 07:20 AM

Can i also do this with my DSL15C? I have a 8ohm 75watt? - Adam Reynolds 10 Oct 2016 at 09:55 AM
The DSL15C can work with either a 16ohm or 8ohm impedance, if you use a 8ohm speaker you would have to disconnect the internal speaker as this would take the impedance below safe working level. - JOANNA GREEN 10 Oct 2016 at 12:41 PM
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