DSL40CR MIDI Switching problems


I have a Nov 2017 build, and have had this problem from the beginning...tried to work around it and it is now becoming unusable for me.  In short, the amp responds fine when setting things up...but it it becomes inconsistant as the session wears on.  Accepts commands and switches one time, then doesn't the next time, etc.  I've seen others complaining of this on other forums.  and have yet to see any definitive answer.


Is anyone using the PEDL-91016, and if so, does this wotk as advertised?  Or is this a DSL midi issue?

asked 16 Jan 2019 at 03:55 PM

Joe Graziano
Answers: 1


Hello Joe,

We would recommend that you have your amplifier looked at by an engineer as there may be a fault within the software. 


Kind Regards

Marshall Support

answered 17 Jan 2019 at 10:33 AM

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