Minor II wireless headphones making "connected" noise all the time



I have a set of Minor II Bluetooth headphones and they’ve worked great up until I switched from an Android phone to an iPhone. I like to have them connected to my phone and also my laptop at the same time whilst working. The problem is since I’ve been using the iPhone, I keep hearing the short noise as if the headphones have just connected to a device over and over again. Every minute or so, the sound dips and I hear that noise. It’s extremely annoying and I end up having to disconnect from the phone to stop it. Does anyone know how this could be fixed?


asked 01 Jul 2020 at 05:10 AM

Ross Taylor
Answers: 1


Hi Ross,

Thank you for your comments, please contact support@marshallheadphones.com for any headphone issues.


Marshall Support

answered 01 Jul 2020 at 08:07 AM

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