Air Intake/Exhaust


Where is the air intake and exhaust on the MG Carbon Fibre series? I own both the MG30CFX and MG50CFX combos ― and because both of these units are completely closed and are fitting with cooling fans ― where (and how) does the air circulate? ― I never hear a fan running when operating the MG30CFX combo. And is the MG100HCFX head fitted with a cooling fan as well?

edited 14 Sep 2017 at 02:56 PM

Jimmy Pratt (2)

asked 21 Dec 2016 at 11:15 AM

Jimmy Pratt (2)
Answers: 2


Hello Jimmy,

Regarding your question the MG30 does not have a fan, the MG50 has a fan and sucks the air from the vent at the bottom of the chassis and vents from the  left and righthandside of the chassis.

answered 11 Jan 2017 at 10:05 AM

Marshall Forum Support: Thank you for answering my questions ― much appreciated! Cheers! - Jimmy Pratt 08 Apr 2017 at 02:32 AM


Yes the MG100HCFX has a cooling fan. It is on the bottom of the interior circuitry housing. And i guess it is temp controlled.

answered 25 Apr 2020 at 04:48 PM

Dan Reeves
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