Where's The Yngwie Setting?


I'm actually a bass player who records at home, and I have to wear the hat of a guitar player when I do. I don't know enough about the intricacies of Marshall amplification to know what amp produces what? I mainly use a 12 string bass, so finding the right Marshall to produce the frequencies I need to sit right in the mix is trying, especially if you don't know what's what? I've been sticking to the workhorse setting of Rock..a Tele through a Plexi. But the sun don't rise, and set on a Plexi. I think I remember reading in a early review of the Code, that there was a Yngwie setting? If anyone knows how it's done...?

asked 01 Jan 2017 at 01:20 PM

Westrocker67 crawford
Thought I might help by paging thru the manual; settings available are often listed, or in an appendix or something. (Just bought mine - isn't even here yet, so seriously jumping the gun...)
Trouble is I don't see that, and don't know if what you need is a preamp, or power amp, never mind cabinet setting. Soooo.... maybe if you know an artist who plays a style you want? Maybe someone could match that? Good luck my friend. (Another home recorder which fights the same fight on keyboards... lol)
- Steve Noyes 04 Jan 2017 at 09:47 PM
Update: found a listing, page 6 of the manual for the Code 25, lists Preamp models selectable, which appear to be the only named models I can find. If that's true, then the one you wanted isn't on the list - but that may be true only for the 25, I don't know. - Steve Noyes 04 Jan 2017 at 10:51 PM
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