CODE 50 ; is there a way to roll back the firmware


What is the procedure to roll back a recent firmware update on CODE 50?

asked 13 Jun 2017 at 01:51 AM

Mario Rojas (15)
Recent firmware update?

It's been a couple months since I checked for one with my amp but I cannot find anything online about a recent one.
- Dennis Bowen 14 Jun 2017 at 05:54 PM
Answers: 4


any updates on this topic?

answered 26 Aug 2017 at 06:11 PM

Mario Rojas (15)


Hello Mario,

There is no procedure to roll back the recent firmware. Why would you need to? are you having any issues with the new firmware?

Team Marshall

answered 13 Jun 2017 at 08:06 AM

seems everyone is...
- dave thomas 13 Jun 2017 at 09:30 AM
We haven't received any details of anything specific. If you can give us any information on potential issues with the firmware we can investigate? - Marshall Amplification 13 Jun 2017 at 09:38 AM
do you actually read your own forum????
- dave thomas 13 Jun 2017 at 09:42 AM
Yes, we keep a regular check on the forum. The last issue regarding firmware reported was a problem with the Chrome WebMidi, this was solved by updating the advanced settings in Chrome, which we gave instructions.
If there is anything else Firmware related that you feel we have not addressed then please do let us know.
- Marshall Amplification 13 Jun 2017 at 09:51 AM
as i have stated previously my code 25 is straight out of the box as sold. no updates. works fine with the new gateway app though with my hand me down Samsung galaxy 5 and I have no issues with connectivity or the amp at all. so I'm a very happy code owner. unfortunately though it seems reading through the many threads, I may be in the minority, or, perhaps a silent majority :-)
- dave thomas 13 Jun 2017 at 10:10 AM


I enjoyed my new CODE 50, it sounded awesome, every preset was good. Then... i decided to give it a firmware update end something happen that made the AMP sound horrible. After the update all i have been doing is try to figure out how to make it sound good, no guitar practice time. 

Someting in the update made a change to that amp where it makes it sound horrible

answered 13 Jun 2017 at 11:29 AM

Mario Rojas (15)
I have requested details from our tech team of what changes were included in the last update and if any of these could have had an effect on the sound quality of the CODE. When you say it sounds horrible, can you be a little more specific? what sound is making it horrible? are you able to send any kind of soundclip to our helpdesk team?
- Marshall Amplification 13 Jun 2017 at 11:39 AM
sorta like trashy sounds, it is not clear when playing more than half of the presets. as if the guitar was so badly out of tune which is not. I found many other users having the same issues by doing searches in this forum and the internet only no one has an answer about how to fix. - Mario Rojas 13 Jun 2017 at 11:44 AM
any updates? - Mario Rojas 13 Jun 2017 at 06:45 PM
Not as yet, i am waiting on the tech team to get back to me. I will update you as soon as i can. Thank you for your patience. - Marshall Amplification 14 Jun 2017 at 08:49 AM
any updates? - Mario Rojas 17 Jun 2017 at 12:48 PM
I have experienced a recent issue with that as well. The DSL OD and British pre-amps developed a very digital tone to them which is very noticeable when playing an E or F# power chord. It sounded fine when I first got it but developed the issue after the last firmware update. - Sean Nixie 19 Jun 2017 at 07:55 PM
The following changes were made in the last updated firmware -

2-way footswitch support
When a 2-Way momentary is connected to CODE, current preset can be incremented or decremented.

USB audio
In some circumstances USB audio playback and record would lose synchronisation causing cyclic patterns of distortion.

Storing Presets
In some circumstances CODE would freeze when storing a preset.

Bluetooth pairing
CODE remains permanently muted while in paring mode, BT discovery time increased.

Gateway Presets
In certain cases preset data from Gateway library was not received correctly by CODE.

4-way foot controller
Increasing delay time over 2000ms causes second 7-segment display to flash.

These changes should in no way affect the sound in the presets. We will carry out testing on units pre firmware and after firmware update to see if there are any issues regarding the sound quality. Any change in sound may be related to an unconnected event that happened around the time of the update. We will investigate this further.
- Marshall Amplification 20 Jun 2017 at 08:06 AM
Let us know the outcome because there is very little chance more than one person, including myself, experience the same issue.
Something definitely chances in the sound of more than one preset.
can they just let us have the old firmware and we can load, it should work if we have it.
- Mario Rojas 21 Jun 2017 at 02:09 AM
any updates
can the firmware update people post the original firmware so that we can roll back?
can the firmware update people post a new update?
I need to know before i have to return my CODE 50 as it now, after the firmware update, seems defective.
- Mario Rojas 24 Jun 2017 at 05:50 PM
any updates?
- Mario Rojas 09 Jul 2017 at 03:49 PM
We have tested CODES pre and after firmware and we are not receiving any change in the sound quality that you have reported. As we are unable to replicate the problem you are experiencing we can only assume that your CODE may be defective. We would suggest returning your CODE to where you purchased it from and request it be looked at by an engineer. - Marshall Amplification 29 Aug 2017 at 08:45 AM
can it be replaced by Marshall warranty? - Mario Rojas 29 Aug 2017 at 12:04 PM


btw, i did read the questions from others and many others seem to have the same issues after firmware update. 

answered 13 Jun 2017 at 11:29 AM

Mario Rojas (15)
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