Preset Management - Computer (Library, Gateway), Phone, Amp, Footswitch


Presets need to flow easier between the different management areas.

(Reading the following is really only cumbersome, because that's how cumbersome it is to manage CODE.)

Copying one by one between amp and phone is really cumbersome.
How about an option to copy all 100 presets (or sections) between amp and phone? Both ways.
I want my amp to have the same presets as my phone.
(Others can still have the option the way it is laid out, but I don't see how managing amp and phone separately is useful unless someone really needs 200 different presets in one session.)

I like to have my preset sequenced in a way that makes sense. Artists, cleans, crunch, OD, Amps, or new additions squeezed next to existing ones. Others may sequence by set list or bands. If I shuffle presets on the computer/gateway, then the phone syncs this new sequence, and the amp does not match. Gets confusing.
Additionally, if the footswitch is assigned from the amp, then I have to copy new presets from phone to amp and even reassign to footswitch. Too many steps.

"Just use the presets on the phone and forget amp presets" would be an answer, but what about footswitch? and what about dead or forgotten phones?
Easy (automatic?) sync (with on/off for this auto/sync) between phone and amp, would allow everyone to use the amp (and footswitch) without constantly pulling out the  phone and pairing to have presets from the phone available. Bluetooth drains batteries.
Btw, any phone sounds come on the speaker  when playing because my iphone6 sees the amp as a headphone. So the presets need to be on the amp for any gigs.

Another footswitch suggestion:
A setting or function where the first 30 presets (01-30, without 00) are loaded into the 10 banks on the footswitch automatically? Then I only have to manage my presets within the 100 and everything else is assigned automatically?

asked 18 Jun 2017 at 07:02 PM

michael s (9)
Hi Michael,

We will pass this to our tech team.

Kind Regards

Team Marshall
- Lee Tomlin 19 Jun 2017 at 08:23 AM
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