No sound


Just got a code 100 shipped to me today, opened it up pluged it in and no sound, plug headset in i get sound thru the headset but nowhere else, seams if i crank it i hear a faint sound from speakers tho, but otherwise any help ?

asked 14 Nov 2017 at 12:44 AM

anthony retelny (2)
Hi Anthony,

Thank you for your message, sorry to hear this, as our products are covered by warranty, I would suggest you return your Code to your dealer.

Marshall Support
- Lee Tomlin 14 Nov 2017 at 09:44 AM
Answers: 2


I know this isnt an answer but this happens to my Code 25 amp as well. very annoying as you cant find anything about how to fix it online.

answered 15 Nov 2017 at 07:24 PM

Addison Brown (2)



This has happened (once) to one of my CODE50's.  Couldn't understandwhat was going on so turned everything up on ten, switched off, switched on again, and blew myself across the room!!!  LOL!!!


As I said: it's happened once.  My solution was simply to turn off and turn on again and it's been fine ever since.

Not sure if you've tried any of the below but for the sake of interest:

Ensure that you've installed the latest firmware.

Reset BOTH the FC and the amp. to factory defaults (after installing the latest firmware).

Power off, set all controls to the middle position, and power on.

If none of the above work: return to dealer!!!  LOL!!!

Oh and if you do find the problem: please post the solution for others.



answered 25 Nov 2017 at 07:39 AM

Dale Paterson (105)
Make sure you don't over trust your cables. Turned on with a bad cable, no sound, tried another one, still no sound. Pretty frustrated, but tried a third cable and tada sound. - Alan Wright 17 Sep 2023 at 04:10 AM
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