I just bought a DSL-1H power amp head. I intend to use my old amp which is broken as a speaker but,
the speaker (Celestion G12M-70) is 4 ohms. So I have to change it to 16 ohms in order to be compatible
with the DLS1H.
1. What type of speaker would you recommend?
2. Otherwise, what marshall cabiet model for this small amp power ?
Thanks in avance
Regards Philippe (From France)
What are the items addressed in this update?
All my best wishes to the Marshall team for this new year 2024 !
It's a pleasure to contact you !
My English being very approximate to express my requests, I will continue in french, ..., sorry, ...
Je possède depuis longtemps (Années 90) un ampli de puissance Marshall 9200. C'est un matériel de très bonne facture et aux qualités sonores exceptionnelles. Il développe une très forte puissance en live !
En amont du 9200 j'ai un préamplificateur Marshall JMP1 (avec un processeurs d'effets dans la boucle send return du JMP1).
En sortie du 9200 j'ai 2 cabinets Marshall1912 de 8 ohms.
Cela fait un moment que je ne l'ai pas utilisé. Je souhaite re-mettre cette configuration en ordre de marche !
J'ai cependant quelques questions que je ne me suis jamais posées auparavant sur son utilisation.
1ère question : Sur chaque canal (A et B) du 9200 il y a possibilité de brancher 2 cabinets avec le câble renforcé adéquat, soit 4 HP de 8 ohms sur les deux canaux. Est-ce que c'est bien ça ?
2ème question : Pour me permettre de répéter à la maison sans créer de nuisance à mes voisins, tout en profitant de la chaleur des lampes sollicitées à une bonne puissance, j'envisage d'intercaler un atténuateur de puissance entre une seule sortie du 9200 et un seul cabinet 1912. Est-ce que c'est possible sans endommager l'ampli sans 2ème cabinet 1912 ?
Par avance merci pour vos réponses,
We are new to amp and cabs and need some help with some test results we're getting from our AVT150HX amp connected to our 1960A cabinet.
We included images from the back of the AVT150HX amp and the page in the manual of the 1960A cabinet that outlines the use of the connections panel on the back of the cab.
Here is a summary of what is happening.
1. When we run a speaker cable from either of the two output jacks from the amp to the #3 connector on the back of the cab, we get no sound. This happens whether the cab is in mono or stereo.
2. When we run a speaker cable from either of the two output jacks from the amp to the #2 connector on the back of the cab in stereo mode, we hear the right-side speakers clearly. We also think we somewhat hear the left-side speakers, but that may be bleed we're hearing from the right-side speakers. Not sure. It's a bit hard to tell because the sound is very muffled and not as loud, but it does seem like some sound is coming from the speakers.
3. When we run two speaker cables from both of the output jacks from the amp to connectors #2 and #3 on the back of the cab in stereo mode, we get the same results as #2 above.
Does this mean that the left-side speakers are disconnected or damaged somehow? Or are we making a mistake in the way we are making the connections?
Thanks in advance for the help.
My Marshall III button doesnt work so it doesnt display the blue LED light and i cant connect it to the app
I just received a new DSL100HR. When I turn it on I hear a constant 720hz ring directly from the amp.
It does not change when I move any knobs, have it plugged into my attenuator or speaker (16 ohms), or switch outlets. It happens on low, standby and high settings.
I found a YouTube video (You can hear the ring @1:12seconds) and he describes the same ringing but apparently that amp also had volume issues that mine (to the best of my knowledge) does not. The amp sounds good but I haven't played a Marshall before.
Should I be worried and return the amp?
YouTube link was necked but it it is titled "Marshall DSL100HR Keeps Blowing Fuses - Tales From The Repair Bench"
how do i do a factory reset for code 100H
J'ai acquis récemment un ampli Marshall CODE 50
Je souhaite écouter des backtrack via MP3 lorsque je joue.
En connectant l'ampli en Bluetooth, le niveau du signal MP3 est très faible part rapport à celui de la guitare.
Il y a t-il une façon d'amélioré le son provenant des MP3 ?
Merci par avance de votre retour
Just got a DSL 20c. When I plug the headphones into the emulator jack and put the amp on STB i don't get any output. what am I doing wrong?
I recently bought a new Marshall DSL402 LE in the UK. Amp seems awesome, but the stock speakers are not brilliant. I'm thinking of dropping in a pair of Celestion G12M greenbacks as a replacement. My two questions are:
1. Is it possible to fit 2xG12M in the DSL402 LE?
2. If yes, which variant of the G12M should I go for?
My MG30GFX-H Amplifier tends to fade after a short while and sometimes gives me sound settings that I don`t want.
Can this problem be remedied as I have not had the amplifier long and not used it much?
Just curious if there is a way to do this without a computer- can you use bluetooth headsets with the CODE 50 as a monitor when you play? In other words, I tried to use my headphones (wireless) to connect to my phone while the app is running, and I can't get any feed from the amp into the buds. Just wondering if there is a way to hear the amp wirelessly with the buds while also simultaneously having the amp speaker still audible.
How do you use the tuner on my New MG15GFX combo amp.
I recently picked up a used AVT 150H amp. Unfortunately, it did not come with a footswitch. Which footswitch do I need to order to properly work with this amp?
Thanks in advance.
Jerry Singleton
My MG15HFX volume knob cuts in and out when I adjust the volume? Gives a static type sound and gets really loud or really low? Any help would be appreciated 👍
I have been wanting to get the kilburn II as it fits my requirements and has great sound quality but the speaker's gonna turn 6 years old this year and there's no news about its successor so should I wait for kilburn III or just get the older one at a discount (around 200$)
My Code 50 suddenly cuts out. . .like a lot of other people's!!! What are you doing about this!!! Don't tell me to just go talk to an engineer. . .it seems like a common problem with the Code 50. . .give me a specific way to fix it!!!!
Ive just bought a second hand jcm900 4102 combo. its from about 97/98. its my first valve amp, and when i brought it home i had a look round it, and noticed that two of the power tubes had cracked, so i changed all 4. all the preamp tubes are fine. but even though ive just changed them, there is no sound coming out of this amp at all, not even a crackle. HELP!!!
i own 2 DSL 40 amps, 16 ohms each, but one has three loudspeaker options: (8 ohm) - (8 ohm) - (16 ohm)
the other one has more options, (16 ohm) - (1 x 8 ohm) or (2 x 16 ohm) - (1 x 4 ohm) or (2 x 8 ohm)
I want to use one amp as an extension cabinet for the other one, and also as a spare amp,
how do i proceed with the connections ? the spare amp needs to be turned on ? will it work as an extension cabinet if not turned on ?
thank you
I just haven't been able to choose 3 presets and save them on the 91009 pedal. Could you please help me out with step by step instructions to be able to do this. I just want to be able to pick 3 presets on the amp and have them saved on the 91009 pedal. Nothing I've tried works.