Need a Replacement Footswitch for JCM 2000 DSL 100 head from 2003. originally had a 2 button footswitch. What models footswitches will work with it? Thanks
Hello! I have a Marshall DSL40c, which I absolutely love. I swapped the speaker out for a Celestion Vintage 30 (16 ohm) a little over a year ago, and it sounds great. However, I recently got a lower wattage tube amp (Vox AC4TV) and have been running it through the DSL40c (basically using the DSL as a speaker cab, with the power chord disconnected).
So here's the problem: After 2 days of using this configuration, the DSL has started making a sound when I play the vox through its speaker. The best way I can describe the sound is that it is like a tabmourine, like those little metal disks jingling together. It does this on certain notes, like the open low E string, or a C chord, but not on other notes like a B chord (i.e. 1 fret away).
When I run the the Vox alone through its internal speaker - no issues at all. When I run the DSL amp section alone through it's vintage 30, no tambourine sounds, although it seems that the green clean channel is lower volume than it used to be (the other 3 channels seem to me the same volume as normal). There is also some instability in the volume (goes in and out, but in a sublte way). There is some clicking and popping when I first fire it up, but this stops after it has been on for a while so not sure if this is normal or not.
I have been looking up reasons why amps may rattle, but everything I am finding describes issues with the tubes that are being played through - my issue seems to be a bit different, since the rattling (tambourine jingle) sound I am hearing seems to be coming from the Marshall when I am not using its tubes (playing through the Vox as a head).
Is it possible that a tube has gone bad in the Marshall, and when I play the Vox through the Marshall's speaker, the vibration is rattling the broken tube and making this tambourine sound? Would a reduction in the volume of the green clean channel imply it is a preamp tube vs power amp tube (since the other channels are unaffected?)
Thanks for any help you can offer. I don't mind taking it in to a tech, but I have read a lot of posts of people who took their amps to techs and had tubes changed, etc. and the problem persisted. I want to have a pretty good idea of the problem before I start investing in having it fixed.
can i use a bass guitar with the code 50 and what is the best preset?
Is it possible to control and make changes to the existing preloaded patches of the Code App via the USB port connected to a Windows 10 Laptop?
or the Marshall Gateway App works only with Android/iPhone via Bluetooth?
I bought a marshall code & the thng just stops working all the time. It does not loose all power, it just looses sound. I have to switch the power on & off for it to work again. Its getting worse & worse. I am about to smash this thing.
Hi I have had this Marshall Code 100 for a few weeks now, mucking around with it to try and figure it out and finding it to be a little user unfriendly. What I want to do is to change a single preset to what it was originally (eg factory setting) without doing a factory reset and losing all my other changed presets. I cannot find any joy anywhere about this. Also, when I look at the list of 100 presets online (there are a few lists going around in chat forums and also in the gateway section of this website) I can only ever find the 100 presets that are on the phone gateway app and not the list that was originally on the amp (for example on my amp when I factory reset it, 00 is JTM Chill, 01 is "So American" etc, whereas my gateway library has 00 as EL34 Heaven and 01 as Plexi Classic). So I cannot find the actual standard amp preset list anywhere online or within the Gateway app.
My questions boil down to three:
1. How do I restore an individual preset to what it originally was (without performing a factory reset)?
2. How do I even know what the original preset was called?
3. Say I connect my smartphone to the amp via gateway and bluetooth. If you click on the arrow on the right hand side of one of the presets in the library, it takes you to another screen. In that screen it has an amp section and a library section, with 2 small boxes you can tick next to each. What is the purpose of this screen and ticking the boxes? Like what can you actually change on this screen is it just the name of the preset or can you replace a preset that is on the amp with one that is in the gateway library?
Needless to say I am very confused and was hoping to be way ahead by this stage. Please help!
I need your help! I connected my Marshall Major III’s to my iPhone 6 this morning as I had just gotten them for Christmas. Then I opened up an iPhone 11 Pro and now the headphones won’t connect to any phone. They don’t show up in the Bluetooth finder thing and I can’t find a solution anywhere. I’ve been on Marshall’s website but the question at the bottom ‘Was this article helpful’ is filled with many thumbs down. I think other people have this problem, so please... anyone!
I bought Marshall CODE 25, connect USB cabel to PC, install ASIO4ALL driver, run Nuendo 4.3, driver Control panel show MONO IN - STEREO OUT, record fine but there is no stereo streaming from PC to headphones, only MONO. Everything is OK in Nuendo Audio Control Panel. I try with Media Player with MP3 files, same problem, only MONO. Try Abletone Live - same problem.
Is this normal for this amp, or mailfunction?
Hello - I have the Marshall DSL1CR and and would like to use the emulated out with headphones. However, when I plug in my headphones, sound still comes out of of the speaker. Am I supposed to disconnect the speaker jack (I wanted to confirm this before trying as I didn't want to damage the amplifier). Any help with instructions on how to use this amp with headphones for silent practice would be very helpful. Thanks!
Hey guys
I'm trying to figure out how to use tap tempo on the footswitch with my marshall CODE amp.
As I understand it, I should be able to "stomp" in the tempo of my delay via the footswitch.
I have no idea how to do this though.
Please help
I just got a Marshall TSL 60 head and am having trouble with the footswitch.
Of the five buttons: Clean - Crunch - Lead - Reverb* - FX Loop*
The Reverb and FX Loop are both latching switches and work fine. The Clean, Crunch and Lead switches are all momentary and there's some sort of digital logic switching going on on the board. The problem is with these switches.
When I turn the amp on, the Clean switch LED comes on. When I hit the crunch or lead switch, nothing happens (No LED, no change from clean).
I thought it was an issue with the switches, so I replaced them. Now Crunch and Lead still do nothing, but when I hold down the Clean it switches to Overdrive for as long as I am holding the switch. When I let go, it goes back to clean.
Anyone have any thoughts why the switches aren't doing their job? Could it be a fried transistor that's supposed to be controlling the logic switching that's going on (Anyone know a good way to test this?). Some more info on the footswitch...
[DIN Pin Guide]( Pics/tsl100switchinginfo.gif)
[Board Pic](
[Another Board Pic](
I recently bought a Marshall 2x12" Cab with Marshall Goldback speakers mounted, type SPK100, 8 ohms, 80W each. As Marshall does not make speakers I am curious who the manufacturer is. The speaker's cage does not look like a Celestion. It seems to be an Eminence at first glance.
Does anybody have any information? Thank you!
How many were produced from the following 50th anniversary limited edition amps?
Thank you.
Code 50 Amplifier. Recently purchased.
Using the headphone jack, the volume output to headphones is quite low. I have to increase the Code 50 Main control as well as the guitar volume control when I plug in headphones. Is this normal for the Code 50? I use Audio Technica ATH-M30X (47 ohm) studio monitor headphones, as well as AKG (32 ohm) phones.
I do not have this issue using my other amplifier, which is a Fender amp. With that amp, very little volume adjustment is needed when I plug in my phones.
What setting do you use to get the Code 50 to act as a amplifier/speaker with no modeled effects?
i’d Like to know which fuse is the proper one to replace on my Woburn speaker?
and by the way, what can cause this problem...?
(can it be affected by near electrical products or a bad/defective wall socket?)
I want to be able to use an overdrive pedal, and is that best accomplished with a clean tone/no presets?
Hi, I am trying to register this product on your website but it keeps telling me there is no model number. How do I actually register a stanmore speaker?
Hi! As the tile says, does Marshall have any plans to make the CODE EDITOR for Mac as well?
I have a 2012 DSL40C. If I use a 16 Ohm extenstion cab, can I plug that into one of the 8 OHM outputs, and then move the cord for the internal 16 ohm speaker to the other 8 ohm output, basically turning this into a 12 x 3 speaker configuration? Will the amp be able to power that many speakers?