Can the amplifier be used as a sound card?


Can I connect the amp to my computer and record my guitar? how can i do that?

asked 11 Nov 2023 at 12:18 PM

Adam Cohen
Answers: 2


Yes, you can. Just connect the amp to PC with mini USB cable (NOT micro USB, commonly used fo smartphones, tablets etc.) and install a DAW application. I recommend Audacity - for free, very powerful and easy to use.

answered 12 Nov 2023 at 09:14 AM

Jacek Klimkiewicz (261)


Yes. I just did this with my Code 50 and Garage Band. Connect the USB, then go to the settings of your computer and make sure the input selection and output selections are set to CODE, which should appear in your menu once it's connected (along with your other settings like "headphones" or "USB 1", etc).

answered 26 Nov 2023 at 04:47 PM

Richard Stackon
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