My friend has a multi track recorder with a 1/4" phone jack input on the board. Can I run a 1/8 to 1/4 cord from the line out (headphone) jack directly into the recorder? Or do I have to mic up the amp? No option on his recorder to run USB. Not sure if anyone has tried recording in this manner (or if it even is possible) versus using a DAW and feeding it via USB through a computer.
I know that this issue is known but did anyone already fix the problem with the code 100?
I took the back off of my code to look at the speaker and I mixed the blue and yellow wires up on the power input. Can anyone tell me the way the wires go back into the power thing, I know that the brown one is at the bottom cause it's ground.
Had trouble downloading new software for iphone.
Now I see version V 1. 48 on my iphone will that say I have the latest.
I am thinking of upgrading the stock speaker in my Code50 to a Celestion F12M-150 Triple Cone. From my research, this seems to be the best option, both in functionality and price. Has anyone else done this? How big is the difference in sound?
I am new to the forum just purchased a DSL 100 HR brand new and unfortunately Marshall has gotten really minimal with the information that they have put in user manuals there is absolutely nothing I can find in what little information is included in any of the paperwork having to deal with how to use or program the midi footswitch with this amplifier.
The stock Marshall 6 button midi footswitch for those of us in the United States has been on backorder for a year and a half and unavailable, but I did find a retired electronics engineer that builds and sells the substitute foot switch that he designed himself because he had the same problem. He purchased the same amplifier a year and a half ago and no midi foot switches available. I purchased one of his actually for quite a bit less than the factory ones However, can anyone point me to where I would look to find information regarding programming?
Hi All,
I have a Marshall Code 100 Combo with 2/12 speakers and is rated for 8ohm output.
I purchased 2 new Celestion Midnight 60 speakers to replace the factory originals.
I ordered 2 8ohm speakers, but they shipped me 2 16ohm speakers which I have already opened and mounted before noticing they were the wrong ohms. Then I noticed the factory speakers are 4ohm!!!
Can I/how do I wire the 2 new 16ohm speakers into my amp combo to get 8ohms? Can this be done and how?
I would appreciate any help, as I do not want to blow up my this amp and Marshall decided to discontinue the 100 watt versions.
Thanks in advance.
when turning on my code 50 amp I wasn't able to get any public presets made by the community. Also I cant sign in on My Marshall
a SSL certificate has been expired on the website
The error message says
"An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made"
does Marshall now about this? When Will it be fixed?
Hello Folks,
I hope you’re all doing well. I recently purchased a DSL40Cr and have been very happy with its overall performance. However, I’ve noticed an issue with the reverb.
Since I’ve had the amp, the reverb has been intermittent. Sometimes it works when I turn the amp on, and other times it doesn’t. At first, I thought it might be a setting or feature I wasn’t fully familiar with, but after carefully going through all the controls and the manual, the issue persists.
I wanted to reach out to see if this is a known issue with this model, if there is a possible fix, or if it could be related to a particular setting or component. Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and assistance!
Il mio Amp Code 25 si accende suona per un po' poi non emette suono restando acceso ! Se spengo e riaccendo fa la stessa cosa ! Qualcuno può aiutarmi ????
Hi! I am just looking for recommendations, I have a Code 50 and already explored the Gateway app and I think I found a pretty decent sound, but I don't what to stop there and I want to explore some more sounds. The thing is that I can get a lil overwhelmed with all the possible configurations lol
Just for reference I am not interested in metal sounds. I love it but I am a more hard rock style guy, even some good clean rock and roll. Nothing trashy xD
Thanks for any reference that you could give me and any advice is welcome!
J'ai acheté un ampli guitare Marshall Code 25.
L'application Marshall Gateway est introuvable sur le Play Store pour android. Où peut-on la trouver ? C'est un élément indispensable pour se servir de l'ampli Marshall Code 25. Si j'avais su qu'il n'y avait pas d'application disponible sur android pour piloter l'ampli je ne l'aurais pas acheté. Par contre elle existe toujours sur l'apple store...?!
I have two 8 Ohm speaker Cabinets I would like to use with a Origin Head.
Is this possible?
i need marshall gateway app for android phone at google play.
Hi all.
I purchased a CODE100C combo last July and a few months later the Bluetooth died (will not even register to connect to ANY device). I have been doing my best to find a workaround to make the amp still usable but would love to be able to access the features in an easier way than manually via the top display. Can anyone tell me if it's possible to hard wire a device with the Marshall Gateway App on it directly to the amp to remove Bluetooth out of the equation all together? I for one would prefer a hard connection method (computer, tablet, phone, etc.) as it doesn't rely on tech that can sometimes drop out. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I cannot for the life of me control the MasterVolumes with the midi, the PC commands change the amp channels fine, is there some trick to it?
I tried resetting the amp channel to 1, although initially it did seem to be set to this, but now its not responding at all to the midi from my Boss MS3?
I am trying to update the firmware of my Code 25 and the firmware utility is not recognizing my amp. Model is Unknown and no serial number.
What I see from the utility logs is the below:
[GetDeviceInfoProcess] Sending a message: Get Device Info
[GetDeviceInfoProcess] Received a reply for a message: Get Device Info
[GetDeviceInfoProcess] Error: Received an invalid SysEx reply
[GetDeviceInfoProcess] Sending a message: Get Device Info
[GetDeviceInfoProcess] Received a reply for a message: Get Device Info
[GetDeviceInfoProcess] Error: Received an invalid SysEx reply
[GetDeviceInfoProcess] Sending a message: Get Device Info
[GetDeviceInfoProcess] Received a reply for a message: Get Device Info
Here is an image:
Has anyone seen this before?
Literally a new user to this, hope its not me doing somthing wrong. im folling everything on youttube and manual is telling me. Amp is up to date. If i download a prest from gateway to phone , play it and try to save to a bank on footswitch, or on amp. it stores. then i push foot pedel and go back to bank,..... its gone ! the preset is not on the pedal i assigned it to. Can someone please help , such a good sounding amp , so many bugs (well i hope its not me, being clueless )
What cabs are the best sounding for heavy metal? I use the pre amp on natural (clean) then run external pedals to distort the clean channel/tone. I've been having some trouble dialing in a good modern metal tone that sounds good with my 7 string (which I tune anywhere from drop A to drop G flat depending on string gauge, etc.)
Good day, I have been trying to download the Gateway app for Android, but it no longer appears on the Play Store (on any of the devices I've tried searching from). Please advise if it has been discontinued?