Marshall TSL line lifespan


Hi All,

I'd like to know when was the TSL line retired, Yesterday I got a TSL100 made in Late October 2010 according to the Serial number.

M-2010-43-0003-1 this tells me year 2010, week 43 (last week of october), 0003 unit number, is this unit number for the TSL? My TSL seems to be one of the last ones made, I guess.

because it is funny is that My JVM410 Serial number is M-2010-33-0619-1 this tells me year 2010, week 33 (second last week of august), 0619 unit number which is higher, would this be only for the JVM?



asked 21 Dec 2023 at 11:29 AM

Andres Lopez Toro
Answers: 0
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