Helicopter sound from Ultra Gain channel Marshall DSL20HD



When I turn off my guitar volume I can hear the normal hiss of the Ultra Gain channel but there is another sound which is like an helicopter sound on my DSL20HR. I owned a DSL1HR and it's perfect. The hiss on the Ultra Gain channel is normal without this helicopter sound.

Any issues like this anyone ? Any suggestions to get rid of this issue ? 

Thank you so much !


I wish I could upload an audio clip but seems like the options are not available here...

asked 04 Jan 2024 at 07:47 PM

André Barrière
Answers: 1


Hi Andre

Thank you for your comment, we would suggest the amp is looked at by a qualifed engineer and fully checked over to see what is causing the issue.


Marshall Support

answered 10 Jan 2024 at 04:40 PM

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