6100LM - replacement footswitch?



Have a 6100LM three channel head. The footswitch that comes with the amp is huge - it takes up a large amount of space of my pedal board and I only really use it 3-4 times during a set (swapping from crunch to clean and back, never really use the lead channel). Does anyone know of a smaller replacement footswitch that could do the job? I only really need "channel up/down". I know the head has midi switching but this kind of thing is not my strong point......

Appreciate any help I can get!


asked 05 Jul 2016 at 08:57 PM

Andy Randles
Answers: 3


Hi Andy, Drop our team an email jgreen@marshallamps.com who will advise other suitable and compatible footswitches for your amp.

edited 04 Aug 2016 at 02:29 PM

Chris Robinson (338)

answered 13 Jul 2016 at 06:20 PM

Chris Robinson (338)


going to chime in and restart this convo...just got a 6100 and am in need of a footswitch as well. 

any other options out there? og's are very hard to come by. 

thanks in advance, n. 

answered 22 Feb 2023 at 07:26 PM

Nathan Blades-Martin
Hi Nathan,

These are no longer made, you would need to look on ebay or other 2nd hand markets.

Marshall Support
- Lee Tomlin 01 Mar 2023 at 08:50 AM


Hi, i just made one with a Marshall MR-PEDL00021 Footswitch.

Keep the cable and the switches and connect directly cable on switch:

Red is common

Sw1 Canal is green

Sw2 Canal 2 is yellow

Sw3 Canal is black

Other are NC and isolated


answered 12 Jun 2024 at 08:28 PM

Jean-Marc LE SAUX
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