How to Record Audio from Headphone Jack?


 The working principle for headphone jack is that it offers an audio source inline-level, the recording audio cannot be amplified, in that how to record audio from headphone jack?


edited 07 Nov 2020 at 05:55 PM

vijay mahajan

asked 19 Oct 2020 at 09:53 AM

vijay mahajan
That's because the headphone jack is an audio output, not an audio input. Immediately adjacent to the headphone jack is a microphone jack, which is an input, not an output. You want the second, not the first.


- yadav rony 28 Mar 2022 at 06:03 AM
Answers: 1


You would need an audio interface to connect to your computer.  The interface allows you to connect a guitar directly to it and add effects in your DAW or connect other istruments via line in such as using the headphones out of your Marshall amp, I use the Steinberg UR242 and has worked flawlessly.

answered 23 Oct 2020 at 02:13 AM

Ricardo Escobar
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