my '72 50 watt doesnt sound like it used to


my '72 50 watt doesn't have the output it used to have. Also breaks up way too fast. I'm using a boss overdrive ( same combo i've used for 30 years) and even with the gain on the pedal turned way down it's super satuated with too much distortion, high end and almost no low end. 

asked 24 Jun 2017 at 04:59 PM

Mike davis
Wow! I have a "73 50 watt!! (looks like plexi but called metalface) Do you have 4 inputs! try a different one! I always go into the bass input anyway, for jumper effect without jumper! Sounds like you need a tech to go thru the entire thing checking voltage stations for a breakdown in the circuitry.. Eventually some things dry, crack or just fail. Good luck with that! Awesome amp! - ssolo 8 27 Jun 2017 at 02:15 AM
Answers: 1


Hello Mike,


We recommend that you have your amplifier looked at by an engineer so they can service for you and replace the valves if neccassary.

answered 27 Jun 2017 at 09:31 AM

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