Gateway-app updated


No question, just an information:  

Gateway-app for iOS is totally redesigned. 



asked 03 Oct 2022 at 08:48 AM

Mark Lüttger (32)
Strange things are happening with my Code 50 since the Updates to Gateway and the Code 50.
- I cannot seem to store settings on the CODE from Gateway....
As the video's have not been updated it is just everybody's guess?

Also the Pedal acts wierd... every time I hit a switch it choosed another setting.. randomly it seems...??
- Bram Flippo 04 Oct 2022 at 09:45 AM
Hi Bram,
Please watch "CODE Tutorials | Gateway 2.0 Overview | Marshall" on YouTube:
It explains how to store settings on CODE from Gateway.
- Marshall Amplification 07 Oct 2022 at 03:44 PM
"Also the Pedal acts wierd... every time I hit a switch it choosed another setting.. randomly it seems"

If you select one of the Amp presets in Gateway, they have numbers, the Pedal should then change the presets on the amp, as expected. But, if you select any User Library or MyMarshall preset, then if you press the switch on the Pedal or if you turn the "Preset" knob on the amp to change the preset, Gateway will change the preset to a next or previous from the list of User Library or My Marshall presets, and then it will send this preset to CODE amp. This can cause CODE amp to not move to a next or previous preset.

This allows you to rotate through your User Library presets or My Marshall presets using your pedal or "Preset" knob on the amp.

Let us know if that solves your problem, please.
- Marshall Amplification 19 Oct 2022 at 09:09 AM
Answers: 2


Thank you, that helps. ALthough most of it I had already found out by trial and error.
How about the Footpedal? Is there a new vido there too?
It seems that Footpedal Locations can only be linked to AMP presets and not to 'Device Presets'?

answered 07 Oct 2022 at 04:18 PM

Bram Flippo (1)
By "Device Presets" do you mean presets in your User Library in Gateway? If you select any User Library or My Marshall preset and then use footpedal to change the preset it will go through the User Library or My Marshall presets instead of Amp presets.

Is that what you meant?
- Marshall Amplification 19 Oct 2022 at 08:02 AM


Yes, that is what I meant.
but honestly, it is still unclear to me how to do that?

When I makes changes to a preset, I now know how to store it in eather the amp of user preset list.
But here my understanding ends.
How do I choose a user preset?
How do I link it to a footswitch locations?

Is there a video describing that yet?

thanks for the help.

answered 19 Oct 2022 at 01:15 PM

Bram Flippo (1)
"How do I choose a user preset?"
Swipe to the right, so that it moves to the "Presets" screen. there are three tabs at the bottom. The first tab is your 100 CODE presets, the second tab is your User Library presets, the third tab are online My Marshall presets published by other users. When you tap at any preset it will put it into the active slot on the CODE amp.

To access your online User Library or My Marshall presets you need to be signed in. You can sign in by taping the "Menu" icon and then tap Sign In.

Does this help?
- Marshall Amplification 19 Oct 2022 at 01:29 PM
"How do I link it to a footswitch locations?"
You can only link a preset that is stored on the CODE amp to footswitch locations. It's not possible to link User Library presets to footswitch locations.
- Marshall Amplification 24 Oct 2022 at 09:01 AM
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