Bug report for new Gateway


First thank for the update, the app is way more intuitive now.

When double taping on a parameter to change it's value any action on the keypad  minimise the app.


I noticed the absence of playback and tuner, I guess it's for a future version ?



asked 06 Oct 2022 at 06:45 AM

Frédéric dj
Will it be possible for a futur version to add a parameter to cap the volume for all presets ?
And another to change the way the volume slider work so it's more progressive ?
- Frédéric dj 06 Oct 2022 at 06:47 AM
Thank you for your feedback!

"When double taping on a parameter to change it's value any action on the keypad minimise the app."
We have never experienced this issue. Having a recorded video would help us to better understand the problem. If you can please send to our email the video and we will try to help to resolve this issue.

"I noticed the absence of playback and tuner, I guess it's for a future version ?"
Unfortunately playback and tuner is currently not available on Gateway. We are investigating how we can add a better playback to Gateway 2.
We will inform you once we know when a playback would be added back.

"Will it be possible for a futur version to add a parameter to cap the volume for all presets ? And another to change the way the volume slider work so it's more progressive"

We can't promise anything, but we will think about it.
- Marshall Amplification 06 Oct 2022 at 09:28 AM
Thank for your answer, it may be a locale related problem my phone being setup for french/france.

Sent you a mail with a short vidéo where first I open the keypad then press OK (works fine) then open the keypad end press 5 and the app minimise.

I'll try to get you a logcat during the WE as I'll be busy starting from now.
- Frédéric dj 06 Oct 2022 at 12:48 PM
We fixed any Locale related issues with the new update. Could you try updating to version v2.0.3 and let us know if that resolves the problem with the keypad, please? - Marshall Amplification 06 Oct 2022 at 02:43 PM
Way to go !
It work correctly now, may I have some explanation of the reason ?
The problem being locale related it quite puzzle me :)
- Frédéric dj 06 Oct 2022 at 02:54 PM
Previously app was using any Locale that was set on your device. In French, for decimal numbers it would use "," (comma) instead of "." (dot). Keypad was expecting a dot instead of a comma and that probably crashed the app, which caused it to minimise. We made the app to not use Locale, so it should always work the way app expects it to work. - Marshall Amplification 06 Oct 2022 at 03:05 PM
The dreaded « virgule décimale », I should have remember having been caught myself some many moons ago by the dot when expecting a comma.

At least it's now corrected for more than 50 countries :)
- Frédéric dj 06 Oct 2022 at 03:23 PM
Regarding the playback, Gateway 2 has been developed completely from scratch and playback from Gateway 1 is not compatible with Gateway 2.

We have not considered creating a new playback in Gateway 2 for the following reasons:

1. Playback in Gateway 1 was limited to only loading mp3/wav files stored locally on a device.
2. In nowadays there are plenty of audio streaming services available, namely: Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, etc.
3. You can still play any mp3/wav files using any audio player app of your choice.

We would prefer users to use their own preferred ways of streaming audio music. This allows users to use much more feature rich apps, including playing playlists, favourite songs, etc., instead of using a very limited playback within Gateway 1.

Let us know if you still would prefer to load your audio (e.g., mp3, wav) files and play it within Gateway. There needs to be enough interest in this feature to allow us to invest time in developing it.
- Marshall Amplification 18 Oct 2022 at 02:29 PM
I load audio when working with backtrack made by my guitar teacher.
I can use other apps I guess, the only realy missing part (for me) is the tuner as I'm a Nirvana fan but also a Tool/Perfect circle fan :)

I would be more interested in a way to limit the volume when trying a dowloaded preset, as I'm a bedroom guitarist it's often way too loud for me and perhaps a way to make the volume increase more gradual.
- Frédéric dj 18 Oct 2022 at 05:15 PM
Would reducing master volume on the CODE amp help you?

Regarding the tuner. There are better tuner apps available than the one in Gateway 1. The tuner in Gateway 1 was relying on Bluetooth communication with CODE amp, which could be slow and it wasn't great.
- Marshall Amplification 19 Oct 2022 at 07:50 AM
Correct, reducing the master volume will do the job.

I'll wait till christmas for my wife to offer me a tuner pedal ;)
- Frédéric dj 19 Oct 2022 at 09:21 AM
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