DSL40 channel select button on front panel stopped working



I have ahd DSL40 which I really love - I have been using the little push button on the front panel to swap between the dirty and the clean channels. Today this has stopped working. 

It is stuck on 'green' (clean) - when I push the button it goes over to 'red' but as soon as I let go it goes back to green.

The footpedal works fine for changing channels.

Am i correct in thinking this means the little switch has failed??? 



asked 30 Oct 2022 at 07:56 PM

Edward Eldon
Answers: 1


Hi Edward,

Thank you for your email, if the amp is under a year old, please contact the shop where it was purchased and they will be able to arrange a repair, if the amp is older than a year old, please contact, contactus@marshall.com , and someone will be in touch


Marshall Support

answered 01 Nov 2022 at 08:43 AM

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