Noisy Effects loop on SC20H


I have a DSL20H, a DSL40CR and now a marvelous new SC20H. I have a TC electronics Nova pedal which i use in the effects loops of the two DSL amps. When i plug it into the SC20H there is an audible hissy noise which is not there on either DSL amps. Is the effects model fundamentally different between the SC20H and the DSL amps ? Should i expect the SC20H to have a noiser effects loop ? 

asked 27 Jan 2023 at 11:14 AM

roger walters
Answers: 1


Hi Roger,

We would recommend the amp is looked at, if under a year old please contact the store it was purchased from and they will be able to arrange this for you.


Marshall Support.

answered 30 Jan 2023 at 04:37 PM

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