Code 25 output suddenly stops


Have enjoyed code 25 for a few years.  Suddenly the amp has started to drop output.  Happens after a few minutes of playing.  All lights on, no noisy pots or anything.  Just no output.  I can switch it off and back on and output restores.  But after a short time, same thing.  No output, suddenly cuts out.  Nothing.  Anyone seen this?

asked 04 May 2023 at 03:49 PM

John Dishmon
Answers: 5


Hi John,

Thank you for the comments, please contact , they can arrange to get this looked at.


Marshall Support


answered 09 May 2023 at 07:44 AM



Hi John,

Sorry you seem to be having issues, we would recommend the amp is looked at please email and the team can forward on your email to the correct team.


Marshall Support

answered 05 May 2023 at 07:49 AM

Thank you. New datapoint. Turns out that headphone output works. And if I then unplug headphone, output to speaker works. The power amp board was replaced some time ago because the headphone jack had failed. Jack is part of that board. Have been plugging and unplugging headphones thinking the switch in the jack is the problem - John Dishmon 05 May 2023 at 04:07 PM


See comment.  Discovered that the headphone out is working, and when I unplug headphone, main speaker output resumes for some period of time.  Eventually cuts out again, but if I plug in headphone, and then unplug, main speaker comes back on.

answered 06 May 2023 at 07:27 PM

John Dishmon


I have the same problem as you. I bought my amp less than a year ago at guitar center when this happened to me but I did not opt-in to the guitar center warranty for a year so they wouldn't replace it. I played again last week and the amp still does the same thing. I want to return my amp and get an upgrade. It still looks new with all the boxes and plastic that came with it but does not work like new.

answered 03 Jul 2023 at 06:36 PM

Jerick Prudencio
Hi Jerick,

Can you email and we will get your issue to our team.

Marshall Support
- Marshall Amplification 04 Jul 2023 at 07:59 AM


FYI,  I had the same /similar problem. See  my original post.  Working fine now.  All I did was spray a bit of contact cleaner on a cable jack and insert and remove a number of times and it resumed working. Don't know if that solved the problem or something else.  Did seem like the headphone input jack on the Code 25 was the problem

answered 04 Jul 2023 at 11:43 AM

John Dishmon
The headphone jack was the initial problem that came in to my mind. But I didnt know what to do. I'll try to do what you did but based on your comment, you said that your power amp board was already replaced? - Jerick Prudencio 04 Jul 2023 at 04:52 PM
Yes. The original headphone jack failed. To repair the tech replaced the power board which included the jack. Amp worked fine afterwards until I started to have the issue of the amp going silent after playing for a few minutes. I discovered that the headphone out continued to work even though main speaker was silent. Since I followed steps above has been working fine. Do not know if that actually worked or something else “ healed itself” but have not had problem since. - John Dishmon 05 Jul 2023 at 12:39 PM
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