2 x Marshall JVM215C in 5 Cable Method



Would I be able to run 2xJVM 215C amps in stereo in 5 cable method ? I'm a little confused about the 2 x master volumes, I imagine that if I use one for my master volume (Master 1) I would adjust that to the same level on both amps and if I use the second master volume for solo level (Master 2) I would need to adjust that as well on the second (slave amp) as well as the master amp (the one with the preamp I'm using).


To access the solo boost on both amps I would send a midi PC command to both amps which would enable the Master 2 on each amp which would then be at the same level?


Would that be right please ?





asked 27 Mar 2024 at 03:58 PM

Paul Marron
Answers: 0
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