Battery Issue with Kilburn 2 Purchased a Month Ago



I purchased the Kilburn 2 from the official website a month ago. I usually keep it charged, so I didn't notice, but this time I used it until the battery was completely drained. After that, no matter how long I charge it, it won't turn on again. It seems like the battery is completely discharged. Is it normal for such a battery issue to occur after just one month? In this case, where should I request a repair?

Additionally, am I eligible for a warranty?

I've already contacted the official website, but I haven't received a response yet, and it's really frustrating 😢. I enjoyed using the speaker for a month, but now living without it feels so lifeless...

Thank you

asked 03 Jul 2024 at 11:56 PM

Seonyeong Lee
Answers: 0
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