Looking to get myself a decent boost/solo level out of the amp. I have tried setting two channels the same but one with higher volume and more gain and although it is louder it is still not substantial enough.
Has anyone used any external pedals? I have a tc electronic mini spark but this just gives me more gain. Was wondering if anyone could recommend using another OD pedal with gain down and volume up and if this would work as a good boost!
Most any boost in front of this amp will only further overdrive the amp model. Thats the usual nature of boosts in front of the amp. You got the right idea in cloning one preset and cranking one and restraining the other. Compensate with the Master volume for the overall level and I believe thats the best way for this scenario.. till we get an effects loop! ;)
(ex; on a pedal chain I use a clean boost at the END of the chain, after the distortions, to "lift' the volume, as opposed to "pushing" more gain into the FRONT of the signal, which is what's happening here)
Good luck with that. It's an awesome little amp, and worth working around!