Can someone date the community questions.


Is there any chance someone is going to date the community questions - at present it is getting bigger and bigger but as far as I can tell its not in date order - So far everytime I come to it it seems that I'm re-reading stuff so that I don't miss new stuff.

Any chance the dates could be added to the initial list page, perhaps a sort function as well to allow sorting of question and answers depending on what people might want. At the moment it seems to be very hit and miss and not exactly in line with the amp qualities.

asked 05 Aug 2016 at 04:50 PM

Alan Unwin (13)
Answers: 1


Hello Alan,

Thank you for your feedback, we have passed onto our team and are looking into this for you.

answered 08 Aug 2016 at 08:23 AM

Do you have any update/progress on this - did they think it was a good idea - the community is not really that useful now its so big and unwieldy - Alan Unwin 22 Sep 2016 at 05:58 PM
We have requested our developers implement this change as we think it is a great idea. We are still waiting for them to action this and we will chase this up today. - Marshall Amplification 28 Sep 2016 at 08:26 AM
cool that sounds promising, especially if we can sort in date order and dare I it last update order but that might be more difficult thanks - Alan Unwin 29 Sep 2016 at 06:14 PM
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