DSL40C Owners Manual


Hello, I was recently shipped a DSL40C and there was no owners manual or warranty card. The amp is brand new, in the original packaging. I am bumbed out, because I like to save these items. I know I can probably download one, but I want the original that is supposed to come with the amp. How do I obtain these items? Tommy Scott, 6625 Van Buren Road, Warners, NY 13164.

PS: Great Amp!

asked 08 Aug 2016 at 07:41 PM

Tommy Scott
Answers: 1



The DSL40C should have come with a manual and a warranty card, as these were missing we recommend that you contact the dealer you purchased your amplifier through and they should be able to contact their distributor for replacements.


answered 09 Aug 2016 at 07:14 AM

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