DSL1HR as a preamp


Recently bought a DSL1HR head and was wondering,
is it safe to use the Fx Send
of the amp when a cabinet or a loadbox is disconnected?

From the manual it seems that when headphones are connected to the emulated out,
an internal load is placed on the amp so a speaker doesn’t need to be connected.
Could I plug a headphone adapter as a “dummy” connector to this
and then plug the heads FX Send into another amps FX Return?

asked 20 May 2020 at 05:13 PM

Mikko Ahokas
Any information on this would be appreciated, how does the internal load switch on? By disconnecting the cabinet or plugging something to the emulated out? Thank you. - Mikko Ahokas 25 May 2020 at 01:11 PM
Answers: 2


Just curious, why don't you just use the emulated out to the other amp return? I use this trick for my randall rd5h with vox ac30c2. FYI, I want to buy dsl1hr and use the similar signal chain, and somehow found your question.

answered 30 May 2020 at 10:31 AM

Paul Sabda


As far as I know, the emulated out has poweramp and cab simulation in the signal. By plugging it in another amps return you would be running two poweramp and cab sounds at the same time. My DSL is still on its way so I cant comment on how that would sound in this particular amps case, but it still is different from using the head purely as a preamp.

answered 02 Jun 2020 at 06:15 PM

Mikko Ahokas
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