Origin 20h , new tubes for gain ?


Got myself what i thought could be the greatest idea of an amp,Origin 20h.  looks awesome , plenty of clean , Too much clean , i can t seem to get gain and dirt out of it , i tried with Humbuckers seymour"s Pearly gates, and Aph-1 ( little gain but just to mention )  and with my strat with ssl-1 and ssl-5 it was cleaner than my fender Blues junior  ??  is there a way i can get it to growl more , change tubes? what should i put in  to get it the meanest ? i reallythought i could drive it better , oh yes and the treble, mid , bass, no big difference there also .  Not sure i want to invest to much in case there is no significative results.  what should i do to get real gainy dirt, please don t answer me to by a jcm900. cheers

asked 12 Nov 2020 at 04:12 AM

Rick Goy
Answers: 2


This is the way it's designed. If you want more gain you need to turn master vol well past 12 o'clock. At around 3-4 o'clock on master vol with gain at 3 o'clock or more you'll get that awesome power tube overdrive everyone loves. 

I believe this is why Origin got so much hate. People did not get it. 



answered 03 Jan 2021 at 03:03 PM

Marek Siwczak (1)


Hi Rick,

Thank you for your meesage, this is the way the amplifier was designed, they have a clean tone to them, if you believe there to be a fault I would recommend the amp is looked at by an engineer.


Marshall Support

answered 17 Nov 2020 at 09:29 AM

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