2555x D.I. output


 The 2555x user manual says that the d.i output is frequency compensated and meant to be used to feed a mixing desk or a slave amp but I find this confusing because the frequency compensation is usefull only in the first case and probably really bad if you feed a slave amp and cab.

can you elaborate please? 

asked 16 Jun 2016 at 01:20 PM

andrea rizzardo
Answers: 1


A slave amplifier in this context refers to a PA and the mixing desk could be a front of house or a studio desk. The 2555X can't do an uncompensated line out, as this is a 30 year old design reissued as it was first released in 1987.

answered 20 Jun 2016 at 09:45 AM

Chris Robinson (338)
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