Using the emulated output into a Focusrite interface the LED's are red even with the preamp set to 0.
Is this how it is supposed to work? I would have thought an 'emulated output would be at line level.
The emulated line out comes before the master volume controls, so the level is effected by the volume controls on each channel.
It seems well frankly surprising that an emulated output, intended to provide a signal to the desk approximating that of the sound coming from a loudspeaker should be virtually unusable without cranking the preamp gain to practically zero. Is this a design fault and someone is too embarrassed to take responsibilty, an unintentional oversight, or have I missed some setting? How can it be that an emaulated output to the desk sends the vu meters into the red even when the preamp is on zero?
Hello Stephen,
We have never had an issue with the emulated line out on the JVM range, if you are having level issues then you may have a problem with your amplifier and we would recommend that you have it looked at.
Kind Regards
Marshall Support