3203 - can it handle 2, 2x12 cabinets?


I am using a 3203 w/a GK 2x12 cabinet running at 8 ohms. I am considering purchasing a friend's 2x12 Splawn 8 ohm cabinet, and running the cabinets together as a stack. I am wondering how the 3203 will handle 4, 2x12's. Not well versed on the ohm conversions here and would like some help. Thanks!

asked 15 Jan 2017 at 09:47 PM

Darryl Robbins
Answers: 1


Hello Darryl,

When using both 8 ohms cabinets, switch the selector to 4 ohms remebering to switch it back to 8 ohms when using just a single cabinet. 

answered 18 Jan 2017 at 08:10 AM

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