driver for code 50


is there a driver for the code amp so i can use it with my DAW?

asked 11 Feb 2017 at 10:18 PM

joey pinter-bilek (1)
In Windows some DAW software requres a low latency ASIO source. ASIO being a streaming format developed by Steinberb which has slowly established itself as a windows standard. It works by bypassing windows and accessing the hardware directly. Most interfaces and new amps support ASIO out the box. Unfortunately CODE doesn't, it uses windows audio and not all software recognizes it.

There is a work around by using a ASIO software wrapper. ASIO4ALL has built a good reputation and achieves pretty good results but only supports a single ASIO stream.

If your using a Mac, the equivalent hardware streaming is built into the OS but doesn't always recognize third party devices. Can't help you there.
- Adrian Tysoe 16 Feb 2017 at 04:42 AM
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