DAW doesn't recognize CODE 25


Hi Marshall team,

I successfully connected my code 25 via USB on Windows 8.1 

It's recognized by Windows, you can see it as CODE on device manager. 

My problem is, when loading Cubase 8 AI (I have the latest updated version) you can't select CODE drivers (or as an audio interface) 

Once you are inside Cubase normally if you go to device setup CODE should be there on the list. Since I can't select it as an input source by anyways I can't record anything. 

The process was very smooth with Yamaha thr10 or with some other audio interfaces. 

Can you please help me how to use my CODE as input device, or as an audio interface. (I also have the latest firmware updated)


asked 16 Mar 2017 at 08:18 PM

Gurhan Ozkaya (1)
Answers: 3


Hi Gurhan,

This could be an issue with Cubase, it might be worth downloading ASIO4ALL to see if this help, while we look into other solutions.

Kind Regards

Team Marshall

answered 17 Mar 2017 at 09:02 AM




I already have Asio drivers. But in a DAW you need sort of a driver to be able to add Code as an input device.  There is no workaround for this.

I am wondering which DAW you are using? 

answered 17 Mar 2017 at 06:46 PM

Gurhan Ozkaya (1)


Btw, may be I am getting something wrong here. USB connection mainly used for controlling the amp, just like the BT connection.

So CODE users supposedly use the line out for recording, which I personally find a bit disappointing. If there was a driver for the

DAWs to help recognizing the CODE as an input bus via usb, the possibilities would be even more (for example recording the DI)

making the amp more versatile.

Hope your support team consider this option.


answered 18 Mar 2017 at 12:35 PM

Gurhan Ozkaya (1)
I can record via USB without any drivers in Audacity, so problem in cubase - Denis Moysienko 20 Mar 2017 at 02:00 AM
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