Stockwell gold frame slightly raised???


I bought a stockwell two weeks ago and now I just seem to notice while looking from above the top middle of the gold frame sticks out. When it's playing, it rattles as well, but I'm not sure if it affects the sound or not. When I push it with my finger (gently) it's connected to the main area and they move forward simultaneously.. 

can they fix it if I take it to the marshall repaire service? The bottom part is really firm and doesn't move at all but the top  bounces back out as soon as I take my finger away. 

How much does it affect the performance?

asked 23 Apr 2017 at 06:58 PM

Mahyar Alemipour
Answers: 1


Hello Mahyar,


As you have only just purchased the stockwell we recommend that you take it back to the dealer/shop it was purchased from. 

answered 25 Apr 2017 at 07:03 AM

Oh thank you for replying. I wouldn't have had the courage otherwise. I exchanged it for a kilburn ( they didn't have stockwell in stock) and I'm happy now, actually happier, because I regret not getting kilburn and now that I was given a second chance this time I chose what's right for me! Fate if you ask me! Thank you for wonderful customer service. I knew Marshall is the right choice for a perfectionist like me! - Mahyar Alemipour 25 Apr 2017 at 12:37 PM
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