i seem to remember seeing a previous question where someone asked if you could use an acoustic with the code. The reply from the tech team was it was disigned for use with electric only my question is has anybody out there used it with an acoustic and if so does it sound any good.
I have the Code 25 and tried it on my Ibanez acoustic guitar. Yeah, it sounds very well, just use the Acousic preset and turn up the volume because you might not hear it . But it sounds great though!
I think the "Natural" pre-amp setting could be a good choice for this, but honestly I haven't tried it yet.
If money is the issue and you have to, go ahead but the Marshall AS50D or AS100D are the way to go. I have one and it sounds fantastic.
not working well with my Martin in the way posted above
tengo una electroacustica Ibanez aeg8e. El mejor presets es en el PRE-AMP en NATURAL
Ir a ACCOUSTIC y cambias el pre-amp a natural. Suena con un poco menos de volumen , Se pueden usar los efectos de FX ,
Para una guitarra Acustica el mejor presets del pre-amp, los he probado a todos.............. NATURAL
I have an electroacoustic Ibanez aeg8e. The best presets are in the PRE-AMP in NATURAL Go to ACCOUSTIC and change the pre-amp to natural. It sounds with a little less volume, FX effects can be used, For an acoustic guitar the best pre-amp presets, I've tried them all .............. NATURAL
y puedes probar con el POWER-AMP que mas te guste.
And you can try the POWER-AMP that you like the most.