Astoria British to USA Power Conversion


Hey, new member here with a (hopfully) simple 2 part question.

First off, I recently purchased an Astoria Custom combo amp and I'd like to see about converting it for use with a standard USA power outlet. Does the Power Transformer have a 110 Volt tap or would the Power transformer need to be changed out? How extensive a change is this? Is there a Service center that can make this change for me in such a way that it will not void my warranty?

And in the second part of the question, in the interim until I can get the amp converted I've been using a power transformer to step up from 110V to 220V. What is the optimal wattage rating I should be using for this amp?

Thanks so much in advance for your help on this issue. - Joe

asked 23 Jun 2017 at 08:12 AM

Joe Mergens
Answers: 2


Hello Joe,


The mains transformer can be wired internally for US voltage, but you would need to replace the mains fuse at the same time for the correct value. We recommend 500 watts min. on the step up transformer.

answered 27 Jun 2017 at 09:49 AM

Thanks! That sounds great. I found a fault in my external step-up transformer and replaced it so my amp is working now, but it'd be great to not have to use the external transformer. I appreciate your advice. Can you link a schematic for the amp? Or where would I go to find out what needs to be done to change up the mains transformer tap? Thanks again! - Joe - Joe Mergens 27 Jun 2017 at 10:01 AM


We cannot send you the circuit diagram, we would recommend taking it to a engineer to carry out the work. 

answered 28 Jun 2017 at 03:06 PM

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