How to connect CODE 25 to Reaper using USB and use the PC as an amp or recording device?


I connected the CODE to my PC using USB but I cant do anything in the Reaper DAW. Tell me the settings pls

asked 13 Jun 2021 at 04:56 PM

Alvee Rahman
Answers: 2


Connect your Code 25 to your PC using a cable from the Code 25's USB port to the PC's USB port. In your DAW (recording software) make sure your "INPUT" is set to your Code 25. Make sure your "OUTPUT" is set to your Code 25 or whatever device you're listening to your playback with. You may need to download and instal "ASIO4ALL" to be able to select different input and output devices to use at the same time. You can select "Windows Audio", "Code 25", "ASIO4ALL" or any other "connected" device in the "Audio Setup" or "Song Setup" in your DAW. When you start a new track, make sure you have those I/O (input/output) settings selected for the track. Those are the basics. Consult your DAW owners manual for the specifics for your software.


answered 16 Jun 2021 at 02:44 AM

Kevin Towns (35)
Thanks I was able to start recording tracks now - Alvee Rahman 16 Jun 2021 at 04:10 AM


Hi Alvee,

Thank you for your message, We would suggest contacting Reaper customer support to help with their set up, if the usb is connecting then it will be to do with the Reaper setup.


Marshall Support

answered 14 Jun 2021 at 07:18 AM

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