Gateway App - Android/iOS Permissions


From Android 12 - it requires the user to allow Bluetooth permission (called "Nearby devices") in order for the app to access Bluetooth. Without this permission Gateway will not be able to discover and connect to your CODE amp.

From Android 11 to Android 6 - it requires the user to allow Location permission and to enable Location Services to allow Gateway to discover your CODE amp.

Android 5 - it may require the user to enable Location Services to allow Gateway to discover your CODE amp.



From iOS 13 - it requires the user to allow Bluetooth permission in order for the app to access Bluetooth. Without this permission Gateway will not be able to discover and connect to your CODE amp.



Gateway app does not collect or use your location data at all. This is a requirement on early versions of Android operating system that any app that wants to discover any Bluetooth device, it needs Location permission and Location Services enabled. From Android 12, Location permission is not required and hence we do not request it. 


CODE Gateway Bluetooth iOS Android Permission

Android 12

To allow Nearby Devices permission

Go to Settings -> Apps -> Gateway -> Permissions -> Nearby devices -> Allow this permission


Android 9

To allow Location permission

Go to Settings ->Apps -> Gateway -> Permissions -> Location -> Enable this permission

To enable Location Services

Go to Settings -> Security & Location -> Privacy section -> Location -> Enable "User location"


Android 6

To allow Location permission

Go to Settings -> Device section ->Apps -> Gateway -> Permissions -> Location -> Enable this permission

To enable Location Services

Go to Settings -> Personal section -> Location -> Enable it


Android 5   

To enable Location Services

Go to Settings -> Personal section -> Location -> Enable it


iOS 14

To allow Bluetooth permission

Go to Settings -> Gateway -> Enable Bluetooth

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