Gateway 2.0 update...where is the tuner?


It appears my adroid device updated the Gateway app, but it seems I'm not having any luck finding the tuner feature. Does this new version not include the tuner? Thanks! 🤘

asked 07 Oct 2022 at 05:22 PM

Jim Wood (1)
Apologies...I just realized the same question was already asked, and I seen the response. It's too bad...the tuner was convenient. - Jim Wood 07 Oct 2022 at 05:44 PM
Hi Jim

There are better tuners available on the Google Play Store/App Store than the one in Gateway 1.

The tuner in Gateway 1 was relying on Bluetooth communication with the CODE amp, which could be slow and it wasn't great. That is why we didn't want to bring it to Gateway 2.
- Marshall Amplification 19 Oct 2022 at 08:20 AM
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