Code Foot Switch will only allow presets to be save to Bank A


Hi all,

I have a brand new Code 50 + Footswitch - got them today.  I have saved 3 of my own presets to Bank A 1 2 3.  No problem. Also assigned the tuner to a switch.  That was all fairly straightforward.  

However, I am unable to assign any other (new) presets to any of the other banks. When I follow the exact same process I used for Bank A - The footswitch just defaults to one of the amps, stock presets (all of which sound nasty).

I've watched the tutorials. At the moment, I have only 3 presets of my making on the switch and no, apparent way, of using any of the other banks.

Am I missing something obvious?



asked 07 Mar 2023 at 03:25 PM

Mike W (1)
Answers: 1


Worked it out. Clearly not getting any younger - must remember to hold down store button on amp - THEN select the switch position.


answered 07 Mar 2023 at 03:32 PM

Mike W (1)
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